

Between 20 and 23 November 2008 Kotor hosted a “South-Eastern Europe Alumni Retreat Workshop” organized by the Quebec-Labrador Foundation (QLF) / Atlantic Center for the Environment. The workshop gathered former participants in QLF’s study programmes and representatives of institutions from South-Eastern Europe (Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, Kosovo and Montenegro), as well as international organizations that could be potential future partners in QLF’s regional projects. The workshop was organized with the support of Expeditio.

BratislavaOdavno sam nešto obećao, ima tome evo već godina i nešto, i evo došlo je vreme da obećanje i ispunim, govoreći o mestu u kome sam proveo godinu dana. Razlog zašto se ranije nisam oglasio jeste da najpre nisam poznavao stvari dovoljno, a kada sam ih upoznao, već je bilo kasno, jer sam izgubio svaki kritički stav i sopstvenu objektivnost. Isto kao što pišući i govoreći o Beogradu, u kome sam rođen i odrastao, ne mogu da budem objektivan, tako ni o Bratislavi, u kojoj sam proveo godinu dana, ne mogu da budem objektivan. Nadam se da cu uspeti da zadržim ipak neki stepen pristojnosti i da će ovaj moj putopis uspeti da vas natera da razmislite o tome da posetite ovaj grad, koji, generalno gledano, i nije predaleko od ovih naših krajeva...

brnoRazmišljajući o tome šta da napišem o Brnu, gradu na jugu Češke Republike, koga sam ove godine posetio u dva navrata, shvatio sam da šta god napišem neće biti dovoljno da izrazi ono što sam osećao dok sam istraživao i upoznavao se sa istorijom i kvalitetima Brna.

In the framework of the component B of the European Commission/Council of Europe Joint Programme on the Integrated Rehabilitation Project Plan /Survey on the Architectural and Archaeological Heritage (IRPP/SAAH), feasibility studies and business plans are being prepared for three cultural properties in Montenegro: Kosmač Fortress, Building of the former French Embassy and Fortification Besac. In Montenegro the project is implemented by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Media. EXPEDITIO is a member of the management group responsible for the preparation of the said documents.

At the beginning of December 2008, a representative of Expeditio participated in the international conference "Operation: City 2008" which took place in Zagreb, Croatia. Operation: City 2008 is a series of events that summarizes joint activities of Zagreb’s independent cultural scene in fields of cultural production, urban development, spatial policy, cultural policy and citizen participation. Operation: City 2008 gathers activists, artists, experts, theoreticians, as well as broader public and re-examines spatial and social changes of a modern city.

Detalj iz palate
U drugoj polovini 2008. godine EXPEDITIO je angažovan od strane vlasnice palate Šestokrilović u Perastu da uradi arhitektonsku analizu palate. Ova analzia je trebala da posluži kao osnova za izradu projekta rekonstrukcije palate, s obzirom da palata Šestokrilović do sada nije istraživana a da predstavlja jednu od značajnijih palata u Perastu.

The national commission for cooperation with UNESCO has formed a World Heritage Council. A representative of EXPEDITIO is one of the Council’s members. The duty of the Council, as a specialized, expert and advisory body of the Commission, is to follow UNESCO’s programmes in the respective area and propose activities to the Commission. The World Heritage Council started with its activities at the beginning of December 2008.

1-4 December 2008, in Brussels, Belgium, the European Commission hosted a study visit for the civil society representatives from the Western Balkan countries and Turkey. The theme of the meeting was “Multi-Cultural Dialogue. EU legislation and actions in the field of culture and heritage”.

Naslovna stranaDear friends,

In 2009, Expeditio will celebrate its 12th anniversary. Each of these past 12 years, including 2008, has been a great challenge for our organization.

During 2008, we carried out various projects that started in 2007 and also wrote proposals for new projects.

At the beginning of 2009 a call will be launched for proposals focusing on cross-border cooperation between the countries of the region. If you are active in the fields of energy efficiency in construction or cultural heritage or if you have contacts with organizations and institutions that might be interested in implementing projects in the mentioned fields please contact us because we are seeking potential partners for our future projects. Thank you.

Podgorica, Vijesti - Vlada Crne Gore povukla je iz skupštinske procedure Prostorni plan nakon komentara koji su na taj izuzetno znacajan dokument stigli iz sjedišta Evropske komisije iz Brisela, potvrdeno je "Vijestima" iz Vlade. Prema nezvanicnim informacijama, komentari eksperata Evropske komsije(EK) stigli su u Podgoricu prošlog petka, dok je Vlada odlucila da Prostorni plan povuce u ponedjeljak.


cetinje2005RADIONICA- PLANIRANJE KROZ UČEŠĆE ZAJEDNICE za predstavnike/ce nevladinih organzacija i institucija, odrzana je 11-12 jula 2005. u hotelu "GRAND" na Cetinju u organizaciji QLF / Atlantic Center for the Environment, USA. Lokalni partneri u organizovanju radionice bili su EXPEDITIO i REC (Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe-kancelarija u Podgorici) 

EXPEDITIO is a non-governmental organization whose mission is to encourage sustainable spatial development in Montenegro and SEE region through activity in the fields of sustainable architecture, cultural heritage, urban planning and through projects that encourage overall development of the civil society. Expeditio was established in 1997.

Gradimo održivo!

gradimo odrzivo


Priručnik za sprovođenje energetskih pregleda zgrada





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Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.
Margaret Mead, anthropologist

Izdvajamo projekte u oblasti održive gradnje

Portal namijenjen je arhitektima, srodnim inženjerskim strukama i svima vama koji se zalažete za održivi prostorni razvoj. Portal će vam pomoći da unaprijedite svoja znanja o "zelenoj" gradnji uz sveobuhvatne informacije i savjete za kreiranje ekološki odgovornih arhitektonskih rješenja. baner2

ENEA - Energy Efficiency Living Lab
Suočavanje sa izazovima nedovoljne energetske efikasnosti u sektoru građevinarstva kroz podsticanje razmjene znanja među akterima iz Italije, Albanije i Crne Gore.


Razmjena znanja radi unapređenja proizvoda i usluga u oblasti energetski efikasne prefabrikovane gradnje

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Benefit Living
GRADIMO savremene, energetski efikasne i ekonomski isplative kuće u Crnoj Gori

brosura benefit naslovna

Dani energije u Crnoj Gori
Sprovođenje kampanje "The Sustainable Energy Europe" u Crnoj Gori


Gradimo ekološki - gradimo sa prirodom
Kampanja sa ciljem upoznavanja šire i stručne javnosti sa različitim vidovima ekološkog graditeljstva

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Seminar: Održiva gradnja u Crnoj Gori, Cetinje

00 cetinje Daniel Fügenschuh

Upravljanje prostorom - promocija EU strandarda

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Expeditio results

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