
SEEDear SEE Heritage friends, we are preparing a new SEE calendar for 2010, similar to the one we made last year. We think that it was a good and nice PR material for our Network, and that it will be good to have it this year, as well.

mladiLast week, on November 27, 2009, a representative of EXPEDITIO participated in the conference titled ''Youth Participation in Montenegro - Challenges and Opportunities'', which was held in the Assembly Hall of the Municipality of Kotor, in Bizanti Palace in the Old Town. The conference is a part of the campaign on youth participation, which is conducted within the project ''Social Empowerment of Young People''. The project is implemented in partnership between the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Media of Montenegro and the International Organization for Migration (IOM), and was financially supported by the Italian Government.

logo-pkcgOn November 23, 2009, the Chamber of Commerce of Montenegro (PKCG) held a founding session of the Energy Efficiency and Environmental Protection Board. Mr. Budimir Škuletić, a director and owner of Termomark company was elected as the Board's president, and Ms. Biljana Gligorić, a representative of the NGO Expeditio, as its vice president.

studentiOn November 29, 2009, EXPEDITIO representatives organized a presentation about the activities of NGOs in Montenegro for the students of architecture and urban planning from the Polis University of Tirana and conservation students from the University of Gothenburg. The presentation was held in the Assembly Hall of the Municipality of Kotor in Bizanti Palace.

vlada_i_nvo_1EXPEDITIO representative attended the meeting "Cooperation between the Government of Montenegro and NGOs" which was organized by the Office for Cooperation with NGOs of the Government of Montenegro in cooperation with the Delegationof the European Commission to Montenegro. The meeting was held in the hotel Maestral, Pržno on November 28, 2009.

podgorica-lanscape_01EXPEDITIO representative participated in the workshop "Implementation of the European Landscape Convention in Montenegro – Landscape and Spatial / Urban Planning", organized by the Ministry for Spatial Planning and Environment of Montenegro and GTZ and held in Podgorica on November 16 and 17, 2009.

Through exchanging experiences of the implementation of the European Landscape Convention at regional and European levels , the workshop aimed at reviewing three key policies: protection, management and planning, and also two special measures for the implementation of this Convention: training-education and awareness raising.


We would like to ask all of you who live in the Prokletije area or you who know, visit or love this area to help us by completing a QUESTIONNAIRE on cultural heritage of the area.

The questionnaire is part of the "Assessment of Cultural Heritage in the Prokletije Area " conducted by EXPEDITIO. EXPEDITIO was commissioned by SNV – the Natherlands Development Organisation to conduct the assessment in the period September-December 2009 . The assessment is implemented within the project "Protection and enhancement of rural communities and their traditional landscape by strengthening environmental management in the trans-boundary protected areas of the Dinaric mountain range" which is funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland and implemented by IUCN, WWF and SNV. Additional information about the project can be found here.

bukumirsko-jezero_25okt09_0EXPEDITIO was commissioned by SNV- Netherlands Development Organisation to conduct the "Assessment of Cultural Heritage in the Prokletije Area", in the period September-December 2009.

The assessment of cultural heritage in the area of Prokletije is implemented within the project "Protection and enhancement of rural communities and their traditional landscape by strengthening environmental management in the trans-boundary protected areas of the Dinaric mountain range" which is funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland and implemented by IUCN, WWF and SNV.

0-ven1A representative of Expeditio participated in the Course on Local Sustainability and Action II which was organized with the kind support of Italian Ministry for Environment, Land and Sea as a two training session course at the Venice International University (VIU), San Servolo, Venice – Italy from September 27 to October 3, 2009 and at the Regional Environmental Center (REC), Szentendre, Hungary from October 4 – 7, 2009.

balkanologyIn its 2009 programme the Architekturzentrum Wien focuses on the Balkans. After the very successful exhibition about Bogdan Bogdanović the Architekturzentrum Wien shows "Balkanology. New Architecture And Urban Phenomena in Southeast Europe". In the accompanying programme, the 17. Wiener Architektur Kongress will also deal with this topic.


EXPEDITIO's partner NGO Vitra - Centre for the Sustainable Development of Cerknica (Slovenia) has received a grant from the Slovenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to implement a project to increase awareness of energy efficiency through a series of public lectures and the free distribution of efficient light bulbs in Montenegro. Apart from Montenegro, 3 other Western Balkan countries are involved in the initiative: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, and Macedonia. Through a series of 10 lectures, meetings with municipalities, public institutions and citizens in Montenegro, 4000 efficient light bulbs will be distributed, with a total value of 22,680 Euros. Lectures and lightbulb distribution will be carried out by Mr. Bojan Znidarsic, the representative for the organization Vitra Cerknica.

Naslovna strana
Following the competition for funding projects of environmental NGOs in 2009, which was launched on February 18, 2009, the Ministry for Spatial Planning and Environment of Montenegro published the results of the competition. At the competition, Expeditio was awarded € 3.500,00 for publishing the second edition of the publication "Palaces of Boka Kotorska" in Montenegrin language. Additional information about the competition results ca be found here

adrienne Expeditio has had a new volunteer from Canada, Adrienne Blattel, since September 4, 2009. Adrienne works for an organisation called the Quebec-Labrador Foundation (QLF) as the Associate Director of their Northern Gulf Culture and Heritage Program. Adrienne will be with us for 3 months and will assist with programs related to cultural heritage. Adrienne is thrilled to be discovering Kotor and Montenegro for the first time, and is already greatly enjoying her time learning from Expeditio's experiences. For more information about QLF and Adrienne, please consult:

stajerska3 We wish to inform you that the television program, which the RTCG team recorded in Austria on a study trip of "ecological wooden houses in Styria," will be aired on Monday September 14th, 2009. Tune in to TVCG1 at 10:00 a.m. It will be rebroadcasted the same day at 3:45 p.m.


Dear friends, we are currently working on a new website for Expeditio. We will need a few more days to complete preparation and testing of the site, so please be patient if not all of the features have been configured. We hope you will like the new site. Thank you.


EXPEDITIO - Center for Sustainable Spatial Development is socially engaged practice active in the field of architecture and urban planning since 1997. It is NGO based in Kotor (Montenegro), founded by six students of architecture at the University of Belgrade. EXPEDITIO has implemented more than 100 projects and activities addressing various issues of sustainable spatial development, such as: urban and rural planning and management, cultural heritage and landscape, sustainable cities, public spaces, green/energy efficient architecture etc.

On the site of a Singapore association of young architects called “Really Architecture” there is a blog posted about Expeditio called Introducing Our Network - Expeditio. [re:Act] is group of architects - visionaries and enthusiasts interested in the development of architecture in Asia. We became familiar with their work during a visit of one of the group's members, Yu Sern Hong, to Montenegro in 2003.  
For more information about [re:Act] please see:
For their blog about their visit with Expeditio please go to: INTRODUCING OUR NETWORKS - EXPEDITIO

Today EXPEDITIO is celebrating its 12th birthday. On May 12th, 1997, at Fruska Gora we came up with the idea of founding a summer school for architecture students based in Perast called the Perast Expedition. This is the reason we consider this date our birthday. Thank you for following and supporting our work since 1997.

Please be informed that a founding conference of the ICOMOS National Committee for Montenegro will be held in Kotor on 25th June 2009. ICOMOS (International Council for Monuments and Sites) is an international non-governmental organization of professionals, dedicated to the conservation of the world historic monuments and sites. ICOMOS is one of the two advisory bodies of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee.

rumunija_6A member of EXPEDITIO participated in the Landscape Stewardship Exchange programme organized in the region Faget in Romania, from 25 June to 3 July 2009.

The programme was organized by the Quebec-Labrador Foundation / Atlantic Center for the Environment (QLF) from the USA, in cooperation with the Center for Rural Assistance from Timisoara, Romania.

| | | |

france2A representative of Expeditio attended a workshop "BUILDING A ROAD MAP FOR THE REINFORCEMENT OF BALKAN/ EU/ FRENCH CULTURAL COOPERATION" which was held from 7th to 10th July 2009 in Avignon, France. The workshop was organized by the French organization "Relais Culture Europe"(Resources center on Europe and Culture and National Contact Point for the EU Culture program).

Kotor_18jul09_02On the initiative of Archis Interventions from Berlin, a meeting of NGOs dealing with architecture and spatial planning was held in Kotor on 18th July 2009. The meeting was attended by the following NGOs:
Archis Interventions, Berlin | Platforma 9,81, Split/Zagreb, Hrvatska | Pulska Grupa, Pula, Hrvatska | Analog, Zagreb, Hrvatska | Co-PLAN, Tirana, Albanija | EXPEDITIO, Kotor, Crna Gora


The Austrian organization proHolz Steiermark from Graz organized, in cooperation with Expeditio, an expert excursion “Eco-houses in Styria” for Montenegrin construction firms and professionals in the fields of architecture and construction (architects, civil and mechanical engineers, etc.). More information here (pdf)

Klemen Klemenak
Holzcluster Steiermark GmbH
Reininghausstraße 13a
8020 Graz

Tel.: +43(0316)58 78 50-21
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

opstinativat1On 4 August 2009, representatives of Expeditio and the company ETG Engineering from Podgorica had a meeting in the Municipality of Tivat with the representatives of the local government and the public institutions on the territory of Tivat.

zakonom-zasticeno-webIn the context of the public review of the Draft Law on Cultural Properties which was completed on the 27th of May 2009, non-governmental organizations PROJEKTOR – Centre for Cultural Heritage from Tivat and EXPEDITIO – Centre for Sustainable Spatial Development from Kotor sent their comments, remarks and suggestions regarding the law.

The comments sent by PROJEKTOR can be downloaded ovdje (pdf) and the comments by EXPEDITIO ovdje (pdf).

kucice1The Ministry for Economic Development of Montenegro and the German Agency for Technical Cooperation GTZ (the ASE project in Montenegro), with the support of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, organized in Budva, from March 18th to 20th 2009, a high-level conference on Regional Energy Security and Energy Efficiency. Our organization had the chance to be present at the conference by setting up an informational stand in the hall of the Splendid Hotel in Budva. Preparation of PR material and the informational stand were financed by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund.

mechelen-1A representative of the non-governmental organisation EXPEDITIO participated in the conference “Heritage Care through Active Citizenship” - a European Conference on Civil Society Organisations active in the Field of Heritage, which was held in Mechelen, Belgium, on March 23-24, 2009.

At the conference, 135 international participants and 45 local participants represented the diversity of the European civil society for heritage: local, regional, national and European voluntareer organisations, civil society organisations, umbrella organisations, network organisations, foundations, etc., that are active in the broad fields of tangible and/or intangible heritage. For additional information about the conference, please see

kucice1Within project “Strengthening the Capacities of Local Governments for Carrying Out Concepts of Energy Efficiency”, NGO Green Home from Podgorica organized the round table on the following subject: “Possibilities for Application of Energy Efficiency Measures and the Usage of Restorable Energy Resources in Local Communities”. It took place on April the 10th in “Palm” hotel in Tivat. The representative of Expeditio had the presentation about sustainable building and sustainable cities concept.

More information at

At the end of January 2005, EXPEDITIO published its Annual Report for 2004. This document containing narrative and financial aspects will soon be sent to our members, donors, partners and associates, and it will also be posted on our website. The donor for this report was USAID/ORT. ...

At the end of 2004, EXPEDITIO received a two-year grant for a project entitled "Centre for Sustainable Spatial Development" from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund. During 2005/2006, the Centre will be dealing with the following topics in the context of sustainable spatial development: spatial planning, sustainable architecture, cultural heritage protection and public advocacy. Besides covering operational expenses for the EXPEDITIO office, the project budget will cover a wide range of activities: creating a database and a study on sustainable spatial development of Skadar Lake, offering workshops on the topic of sustainable development, monitoring of the drafting and implementation of the Law on tje Protection of Cultural Monuments, collecting press clipping regarding sustainable development, etc. The approved grant for 2005/2006 amounts to $75,000.

gradimo odrzivo 1Brošura pod nazivom “Gradimo održivo!” sadrži 34 strane o principima i primjerima održivog građenja. Publikaciju je realizovala Nataša Ilinčić, arhitekta, saradnica EXPEDITIO u slopu rada sektora za održivu arhitekturu i dizajn EXPEDITIO2.

Materijal predstavljen na sajtu, sada je dostupan i na engleskom jeziku. Sajt je dio istoimene kampanje koju je EXPEDITIO organizovao tokom 2004. godine pod pokroviteljstvom UNDP-a. Iako je kampanja završena juna 2004. godine, kroz izložbe i putem web sajta nastavljamo sa promovisanjem ove teme.

Pocetkom 2005. odobren nam je projekat- kampanja “Kuća - prijatelj životne sredine” od strane Evropske agencije za rekonstrukciju sa sedistem u Podgorici. Osnovni cilj projekta je smanjenje štetnog uticaja izgrađene strukture na kvalitet životne sredine u Crnoj Gori. Ciljne grupe u projektu su - sekretarijati za urbanizam u lokalnim samoupravama, nevladine organizacija, djeca i mladi, predstavnici medija, mladi stručnjaci i šira javnost Crne Gore.

Cooperation between EXPEDITIO and Svenska Byggnadsvårds föreningen (Swedish Association for Building Preservation) from Stockholm, which began in 2002 and which resulted in three volunteer restoration work camps being organized in Perast, continues further. The cooperation is also realized through the exchange of volunteers, and so far, 8 members of EXPEDITIO have participated in work camps organized by Byggnadsvårdsföreningen in Sweden.

An architecture student, Yu Sern Hong, from Singapore was here to share his experience in Asia with us in Kotor. Sern Hong, 26, is currently pursuing his Masters of Architecture degree and has been in Kotor till 14 th July, to learn about the life and architecture here, as well as about Expeditio. He is also a member of mAAN (modern Asian Architecture Network --- an international organization concerned with the heritage and development of Asian cities.

As a part of the project „Managing Space – Promoting European Standards“, funded by the European Agency for Reconstruction - European Integration Fund, a workshop „Strategic planning and project management“, was held from 2 – 4 December 2005 in Kotor.

The workshop was run by Mojca Hrabar from a consultant firm OIKOS, Development consulting Ltd., Domžale, Slovenia.

We invite you to have a look at BULLETIN #2 that accompanies our project entitled "Managing Space – Promoting European Standards". In this bulletin, you will find information on our activities related to this project over the last three months. The bulletin can be found on our web site concerning space:

In Tunis, from 16-19 November 2005, the second phase of the World Summit of the Information Society was held. The only representative of a non-governmental sector from Serbia and Montenegro was NGO EXPEDITIO, the Centre for Sustainable Spatial Development, from Kotor.

The Summit in Tunis was built on the foundations of a shared vision and a concrete Action plan that were established in the first phase of the World Summit of the Information Society in Geneva in 2003, with the aim of bridging the digital divide and realizing full potentials of Information Communication Technologies (ICT) for faster economic and social development. The Summit was opened by Mr. Kofi Annan, the SECRETARY-GENERAL OF THE UNITED NATIONS.

In Brussels, on 7 December 2005, the European Cultural Heritage Forum “Cultural Heritage Counts for Europe ” was held. The only participant from Serbia and Montenegro was a representative of the non-governmental organization EXPEDITIO, the Centre for Sustainable Spatial Development, from Kotor. The Forum was organized by EUROPA NOSTRA, the Pan-European Federation for Cultural Heritage, with the cooperation of the European Economic and Social Committee. The Forum was attended by more than 200 participants, representatives of EU Institutions and non-governmental organizations, from around 40 countries.

On 21 January 2006, MLA - Multilateral Academy from Dortmund organized a Cultural Forum within the project "Look Southeast". At the Forum, a representative of EXPEDITIO held a presentation with the topic «The culture of reminiscence – is there a future for the treatment of past?». Besides EXPEDITIO, the Forum was attended by: Gisela Kallenbach – a member of the European Parliament and a member of the Regional Development Council and the delegation for relations with the southeastern European countries, Ivan Lovrenović – a writer (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Zehra Kacapor - UNICEF (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and Ivan Djurovic - NGO Artikulacija from Podgorica.

We wish to inform you that we have started conducting a new project that aims to include the conclusions, visions and guidelines defined by the National Strategy of Sustainable Development (NSSD) into the Spatial Plan of the Republic of Montenegro. Both documents are currently being drafted.

Our organization has been actively engaged in the process of drafting the NSSD as a member of the expert group for social development. We are therefore fully acquainted with the contents of the document and its full drafting process.

Pursuant to the decision of the Government of the Republic of Montenegro to form a National Sustainable Development Council, as of February 2, 2006, our organization has been appointed as a member of the Council.

The National Sustainable Development Council consists of 40 members including the following: 9 ministers of the Government of Montenegro, mayors from 3 municipalities, 9 managers of public enterprises, a rector of the University of Montenegro, 9 managers of business firms from Montenegro, independent experts, presidents of Montenegrin and Duklja Academies of Science and 5 representatives of non-governmental organizations. The Council is presided over by the Prime Minister of Montenegro.

On 17-18 March 2006, in Cetinje, EXPEDITIO held a workshop titled "Promoting cultural resources and project writing", within the British Council’s project »Education and training in the field of cultural heritage in Montenegro«. The workshop was attended by representatives of cultural institutions and non-governmental organizations from the northern municipalities of Montenegro - Mojkovac, Kolasin, Pljavlja, Bijelo Polje, Berane, Plav, Savnik and Zabljak.

Zorica Tomanovic, B.Sc. arch. eng., who is our associate and member of the managing board of EXPEDITIO, has recently defended her M.A. thesis at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Belgrade. Her M.A. thesis entitled “Preservation and conservation of the settlement Žabljak Crnojevića from the aspect of sustainable development” is a research piece that contributes to enhancing the field of spatial and city planning, especially the aspects of conservation and revitalization of architectural and cultural-historical heritage of the rural areas of Montenegro.

QLF-Atlantic Center for the Environment's First Alumni Congress took place in Hungary 2-6 April, 2006. QLF exists to support the rural communities and environment of eastern Canada and New England, and to create models for stewardship of natural resources and cultural heritage that can be applied worldwide. The Congress was QLF's first-ever gathering of program "alumni" from all of the regions where QLF works: the Atlantic Region, Europe, the Middle East and Latin America and the Caribbean. EXPEDITIO representative also took part in the Congress.

At the initiative of NGO ANIMA – the Centre for Women and Peace Education from Kotor, on 20 April 2006, EXPEDITIO held one-day training in “Project writing”. The workshop was held as a voluntary contribution of EXPEDITIO and it was attended by 14 female participants (activists of ANIMA and other organizations, students, etc.).

Presentation: PROJECT WRITING (pps)

EXPEDITIO is a non-governmental organization whose mission is to encourage sustainable spatial development in Montenegro and SEE region through activity in the fields of sustainable architecture, cultural heritage, urban planning and through projects that encourage overall development of the civil society. Expeditio was established in 1997.

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Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.
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Izdvajamo projekte u oblasti održive gradnje

Portal namijenjen je arhitektima, srodnim inženjerskim strukama i svima vama koji se zalažete za održivi prostorni razvoj. Portal će vam pomoći da unaprijedite svoja znanja o "zelenoj" gradnji uz sveobuhvatne informacije i savjete za kreiranje ekološki odgovornih arhitektonskih rješenja. baner2

ENEA - Energy Efficiency Living Lab
Suočavanje sa izazovima nedovoljne energetske efikasnosti u sektoru građevinarstva kroz podsticanje razmjene znanja među akterima iz Italije, Albanije i Crne Gore.


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GRADIMO savremene, energetski efikasne i ekonomski isplative kuće u Crnoj Gori

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Dani energije u Crnoj Gori
Sprovođenje kampanje "The Sustainable Energy Europe" u Crnoj Gori


Gradimo ekološki - gradimo sa prirodom
Kampanja sa ciljem upoznavanja šire i stručne javnosti sa različitim vidovima ekološkog graditeljstva

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Seminar: Održiva gradnja u Crnoj Gori, Cetinje

00 cetinje Daniel Fügenschuh

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