Below you can read a report on the activities of the SCHOOL4SICTY project realized from its beginning in December 2016 until the middle of March 2016. The report can be viewed here.

The project SCHOOL ♥ CITY aims to improve the knowledge about the planning of sustainable cities and towns among the teachers and students in primary schools in Montenegro. The legal basis for the implementation of the project is the fact that the Education for sustainable development programme has already been introduced into Montenegrin educational system, including eight cross-curricular fields, one of which is Sustainable cities and towns. Although this legal basis for education on sustainable cities has been created, the level of its implementation in primary schools in Montenegro is still very low. For that reason, the SCHOOL ♥ CITY project deals with practical education of teachers and students about the topic of sustainable cities and towns, so that this cross-curricular field could become part of the regular school curricula.
Below you can read a report on the activities of the SCHOOL4SICTY project realized from its beginning in December 2016 until the middle of March 2016. The report can be viewed here.
On 9 March 2016, a kick-off event of the project SCHOOL4CITY was held in Podgorica, at the Bureau for Education Services of Montenegro in order to mark the official beginning of the project. It was attended by 56 participants, representatives of public educational institutions in Montenegro (kindergartens, primary and secondary schools), non-governmental organizations, international organizations and schoolchildren.
We announce with pleasure the results of the competition for a logo of the project SCHOOL4CITY. We congratulate to the students who won three top prizes and thank to all those who participated and contributed with their creativity to the success of this competition. We also want to thank to teachers for encouraging and motivating their students to take part in this competition, contributing thus to their empowerment, so that in the future they can take a more active role in the creation of their cities and neighbourhoods.
The kick-off meeting of the project SCHOOL4CITY will be held at the Bureau for Education Services of Montenegro premises, Vaka Djurovic bb, Podgorica, on Wednesday, 9 March 2016, beginning at 10 a.m. The project SCHOOL4CITY is realized in partnership between NGO Expeditio – Centre for Sustainable Spatial Development, the Bureau for Education Services of Montenegro and JAS - Jugend Architektur Stadt e.V. (YOUTH ARCHITECTURE CITY) from Essen, Germany.
U ponedjeljak, 15. februara 2016, zatvorene su prijave na konkurs za logo projekta ŠKOLA I GRAD. Ovaj projekat realizuje NVO Expeditio iz Kotora, u saradnji sa „Zavodom za školstvo Crne Gore“ i NVO „JAS - Jugend Architektur Stadt“ (Grad arhitekture mladih) iz Essena,Njemačka.
NGO “Expeditio – Centre for Sustainable Spatial Development” from Kotor, the „Bureau for Education Services of Montenegro“ and NGO “JAS - Jugend Architektur Stadt“ from Essen, Germany have just begun implementing the project SCHOOL4CITY. The aim of this project is to empower children and students so that in the future they can take a more active role in creating their cities and places while applying the sustainable development principles.