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Publikacije EXPEDITIO
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U cilju povećanja održivosti, EXPEDITIO pruža usluge dizajna i pripreme za štampu (uglavnom za nevladine oragnizacije, državne instritucije i medjunarodne organizacije). Primjere ovih publikacija i drugog štampanog materijala možete učitati ovdje.

Ovdje možete učitati različita dokumenta koja ilustruju rad EXPEDITIO - brošure, postere, istraživanja, analize, studije, promotivni materijal, diplome itd.

Here you can view the documents that testify about the presence of EXPEDITIO in media, from the founding of the organization till present date:

Media files
Here are the documents that describe the number and type of EXPEDITIO occurrence  in public through various media - radio, TV, newspapers, magazines ...

Press cliping
Here you can see copies of press clipping about the activities of EXPEDITIO.



If you want to join those who support our mission, there are many ways to get involved and contribute. EXPEDITIO mission is encouraging sustainable spatial development of Montenegro and SEE region through activities in the field of sustainable architecture, cultural heritage, spatial planning, as well as through activities that contribute to the overall development of civil society.

In its work EXPEDITIO is guided by by the following principles:

  • Concern about the space and the environment: We promote an approach to building and spatial planning practices that includes the care for the environment. Construction sector is a major consumer of energy and is responsible for a high level of pollution. Our vision is that sustainable building and planning practices should not be an exception but usual approach in architecture.
  • Taking care of cultural heritage: We believe that culture is an important resource that contributes to social and economic sustainability of a society.
  • Suitability: We try to understand the real needs of the surroundings in which we live and design our projects accordingly. We try to achieve project results which are visible, clear and useful to their beneficiaries.
  • Cooperation and partnerships: We believe that good effects of projects can be achieved through networking and partnerships between non-governmental, private and public sectors. The media also have an important role.
  • Cultural diversity and human rights: We believe in partnerships that reflect the national, religious or any other diversity.
  • Participatory approach: We regard as sustainable that approach which includes as many stakeholders as possible. The space is a matter of concern of all people, and they have the right to influence its development. We believe that through active participation in projects, the stakeholders can develop ownership of the project ideas and results.
  • Sustainability: We promote sustainable solutions - in social, environmental, economic and cultural sense.
  • Gender equality: We attach a lot of importance to promoting and applying the principles of gender equality. We believe that gender equality, together with other kinds of equality, forms the basis of social development.
  • Transparency: We try to achieve the greatest degree of transparency in our work. We regularly publish and disseminate information about all our activities through our website, mailing lists and annual reports. Information about our financial revenues and expenditures is available to the public.
  • Diversity of target groups: Since space matters concern all people, our target groups are diverse: children, youth, persons with disabilities, local governments, NGOs, the media ....
  • Philanthropy: We believe that everything we do should be shared with other people. Because of that, our publications, documents, researches, reviews, photographs, etc.. are available to all through our website.



Expeditio is grateful to all the donors and volunteers who support our work.

If you wish to support Expeditio, please contact us: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Thank you in advance.

Expeditio team




Name of the project
2015-2016 SCHOOL ♥ CITY (co-financing of the project SCHOOL4 CITY) Commission for Allocation of Revenue from Games of Chance 15.000,00 €
(Expeditio budget)
2015-2018 SCHOOL4CITY Bringing education about sustainable cities in Montenegrin schools The Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt DBU  



Urban Hum Platform Foundation Kultura Nova 2,000,00 €(Expeditio budget)



New Ideas for Old Buildings  EU Europe for Citizens 9,621.00 € (Expeditio budget)



ACT4CITY  BAC - Balkans Arts and Culture Fund 56,251.00 € (total budget)



European ARTIZEN Initiative EU Culture programe - Creative Europe 2014 - Smaller scale cooperation projects (COOP1)


(Expeditio budget)

 2014 Sustainable Cities in Educational System in Montenegro  Rockefeller Brothers Fund


(total budget)



Traditional materials and building techniques in Boka Kotorska The Headley Trust Foundation 45,900.00 € (total budget)

Places of Diversity

Anna Lindh Foundation

29,000.00 € (total budget)


Architectural Research of the French Embassy Building in Cetinje

EU (Grant intended to sustainable rehabilitation of cultural heritage)

6,000.00 € (total budget)


ECLECTIS European Citizens’ Laboratory for Empowerment CiTIes Shared

EU Culture programme - cooperation projects

29,310.00 € (Expeditio budget)



Heritage – Driver of Development

EU Cross-border cooperation between Croatia and Montenegro

293,945.05€ (total budget in Montenegro)



The promotion of principles of sustainable development in public areas of Boka Kotorska

Rockefeller Brothers Fund (RBF)

50,000.00 $ (total budget)



Valorization of Rural Heritage in Montenegro  – pilot area Zalazi

The Headley Trust

21,000.00 £ (total budget)


Culture – the Identity of Boka

Employment Agency of Montenegro

7,267.48 € (Expeditio budget)


Kotor for Children- book author Stanka Brdar

Ministry of Culture

1,900.00 € (total budget)



Revival of City Squares in Balkan Cities

Swiss Cultural Programme in the Western Balkans (SCP)




CSE IN HERITAGE EU IPA Partnership action  

EKOPlan- Monitoring the application of the principles of sustainable spatial development and environmental protection in the spatial planning documents in Montenegro

Foundation Open Society Institute - Representative Office Montenegro (FOSI ROM)

27,390.00 €


Kotor for Children- web site www.upoznaj-kotor.me

Commission for allocation of revenue from games of chance

5,000.00 €


Gender and Space

UNDP Montenegro

6,970.00 €


Mapping of energy efficient buildings and stakeholders in Montenegro

Parliamentary Assembly of the Republic of Montenegro

800.00 €


Benefit Living - A New Layer of Creative Building and Planning in Montenegro (participation)

Ministry for Spatial Planning and Environment

5,000.00 €


Benefit Living - A New Layer of Creative Building and Planning in Montenegro

EU - Delegation of the European Commission to Montenegro

45,000.00 €


Palaces of Boka Kotorska (Montenegrin edition)

Ministry for Spatial Planning and Environment

3.500,00 €



Sostenuto (partnership)

ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) and the IPA (Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance) through MED project of the EU



Museum Treasure of Perast - An Internet Presentation

Commission of the Government of Montenegro for the allocation of part of the revenue from games of chance

4,300.00 €


Cultural Needs of Youth in Boka Kotorska

Ministry of Culture, Sports and Media of Montenegro through the implementation of a National Plan of Action for Youth and Action Plan for 2009

3.000,00 €


Non-Institutional Partakers of Cultural Policy in Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia (partnership)

European Cultural Foundation (ECF)

3.400,00 €


Educating Youth/Children about the Values of Space

Foundation Open Society Institute - 
Representative Office in Montenegro

9.577,00 €


Slovenian Development Assistance ( partnership )*

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia

500.00 €


Reflection of the Arts in Public Spaces in Cetinje

SIDA (through UNDP program)

11.740,00 €


Development of the SEE Heritage Network

Cultural Heritage without Borders (CHwB)

24.940,00 €


Database of Cultural Monuments on the Territory of Kotor  – An Internet Presentation

Municipality of Kotor

3.275,00 €


Project for Expeditio general capacity development

Rockefeller Brothers Fund (RBF)



Software for Residential Energy Efficiency Calculation in Montenegro  (partnership)

European Fund for South-Eastern Europe (GreenMax Capital Advisors )

1,250.00 €


Program of visit of the American cultural heritage specialists

U.S. Department of State

4,570.00 $

2008 Energy Days in Montenegro

Regional Environmental Centre for Central and Eastern Europe (REC) - Representative Office in Montenegro

9,000.00 €


Kostanjica – Promoting the Landscape (Natural and Cultural Heritage) of Boka Kotorska

Ministry of Tourism· and Environment of Montenegro

1.500,00 €


SEE Heritage Network: Network Meeting and Workshop "Devastation of Cultural Heritage"

Foundation Open Society Institute – Representative Office in Montenegro

7.980,00 €


Better Prepared for European Funds

PHILIA - Association of Multiethnic Cities of Southeast Europe

3.000,00 €


Inter-municipal Cooperation in Montenegro - Promoting Inter-municipal Initiatives in Boka Kotorska

The Embassy of Netherlands in Belgrade

15,000.00 €


Monitoring the Draft Spatial Plan of Montenegro (partnership)


4,000.00 €


Cultural Itinerary - Palaces of Boka Kotorska

Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Montenegro; Municipality of Kotor

4.300,00 €

2006 Guide to Perast USAID

3,450.00 €


Spaces without Barriers

The Parliament of Montenegro

1,500.00 €


Study visit to Poland – EU integrations

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland


UN Eco Building - Podgorica


5,500.00 €


Look Around - Think About Space!

European Agency for Reconstruction

93,905.55 €


Managing Space - Promoting European Standards

EU- European Movement in Serbia - European Integration Fund



Publication “Godinje – An Architectural Workshop“

Ministry of Culture and Media of the Republic of Montenegro

1,650.00 €


Designing a web presentation of Perast

Municipality of Kotor

1,885.00 €


Publication "ZAGORA"

Municipality of Kotor

840.00 €


Skadar Lake - Sustainable Spatial Development

Rockefeller Brothers Fund

75.000,00 €


Regional Advocacy Centre


4,995.60 €


Ecological Building – Building with Nature

The Parlament of Montenegro

4,000.00 €


Twentieth-Century Architecture and Arts in Boka Kotorska

Pro Helvetia

2,188.80 €


Project “Citizen“


539.13 €


The Story about Two Islands

Ministry of Culture and Media of the Republic of Montenegro

2,164.50 €


Watchdog Initiative


3,100.00 €


Planning for the Future (partnership)


630.00 €


How to Send a Message (partnership)

The Nordic Council of Ministers; The Nordic Institute for Contemporary Art – NIFCA

3,500.00 €


Publication “Three Hundred Years of Solitude”, the 2nd edition

The Municipality of Kotor

2,200.00 €


Perast – a restoration camp on Visković Palace

SIDA - Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency

6,000.00 €


Godinje – An Architectural Workshop*

NGO Godinje  (Fresh & Co Subotica  - general sponsor)

Voluntary contribution of Expeditio


Medieval Towns of Montenegro

UNDP-United Nations Development Programme; Rockefeller Brothers Fund

5,360.25 €


Capacity Building of Kolašin and Ulcinj Regional Advocacy Centres


1,915.00 €


Regional Advocacy Centre (RAC)

USAID/ORT Montenegro Advocacy Program

20,000.00 $


Perast - a work camp at the St. Cross Fortress

The Parliament of the Republic of Montenegro

5.200,00 €


Cultural Heritage - Potential for the Development of Boka Kotorska

USAID/ORT Montenegro Advocacy Program

1,386.89 €


Perast – a volunteer restoration camp*

NGO “Society of Friends of Perast”, Perast ; Municipality of Kotor; Department for the Construction and Spatial Planning of Kotor; Company "YU BRIV", Kotor; Company "Napredak", Kotor; Port of Kotor; Port Director's Office; Ms. Leigh Grant,USA

Voluntary contribution of Expeditio


A New Durmitor House

UNDP (United Nations Development Programme)

4,976.00 €


Perast – Six BA Theses*


210.00 €


The Secrets of Perast

MM ART Foundation, Podgorica



Zagora – An Architectural Workshop*

Association for the Restoration of the Podlastva Monastery, Grbalj; RESTAURART, Budva; MONTECEP, Kotor; Public enterprise for costal zone management , Budva

Voluntary contribution of Expeditio



Association for the Restoration of the Podlastva Monastery, Grbalj

Voluntary contribution of Expeditio


Perast – An Architectural Workshop

Foundation Open Society Institute, Belgrade



Obed Swamp*


Voluntary contribution of EXPEDITIO


Perast - An Architectural Workshop*

Foundation Open Society Institute, Belgrade; CEP, Belgrade; Ministry of Construction of Serbia; CIP-Transportation Institute, Belgrade; Nina GRO; Meteor promet; STEM, Belgrade; PAPIR PLAST, Belgrade; Ministry for Spatial Planning and Environment of Montenegro

Voluntary contribution of Expeditio

Note: * Noted projects are those in which Expeditio contribution was complitely voluntary (sometimes even from own financial investments).


  • Training on Cross Border Cooperation (CBC) Project Implementation for SEE and MED programmes
Budva, 1-3. decembar 2010.
  • Iskustva i prakse pri implementaciji novog Zakona o uređenju prostora i izgradnji objekata

U organizacaciji Ministarstva za ekonomski razvoj i UNDP-a
Bar, 9-11. decembra 2009.

  • Seminar "Održivi razvoj i akcija"
U organizaciji REC-a (Regionalni centar za životnu sredinu)
Bečići, Crna Gora, 25-30. maj 2009.
  • Seminar "Jačanje institucionalnih kapaciteta ekoloških NVO-a sa područja Zapadnog Balkana"
Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina, 4-8. maj 2009.
  • Konferencija „Zaštita nasljeđa kroz aktivno učešće građana"
Evropska konferencija organizacija civilnog društva boje se bave nasljeđem
Mechelen, Belgija, 23-24. mart 2009.
  • Konferencija „Regionalna energetska sigurnost i energetska efikasnost"
Budva, Crna Gora, 18-20. mart 2009.
  • Međunarodni program "Integrated Urban Planning"
Port Elizabet, Južna Afrika, februar 2009.
  • Šesti sastanak SEE (South-East European) Heritage mreže
i radionica „Kulturni turizam i lokalni ekonomski razvoj"
Prizren, Kosovo, 23-26. januar 2009.
  • Konferencija: OPERACIJA GRAD 2008
Zagreb, Hrvatska, decembar 2008.
  • Studijska posjeta „Multikulturalni dijalog - EU legislativa i aktivnosti na polju kulture i nasljedja"
Brisel, Belgija, 1-4. decembar 2008.
  • Međunarodni program "Integrated Urban Planning"
Karlskrona i Stockholm, Švedska, 9. septembar-8. oktobar 2008.
  • Radionica za učesnike/ce programa QLF fondacije
Kotor, Crna Gora, 20-23. novembar 2008.
  • Peti sastanak SEE (South-East European) Heritage mreže
i konferencija "Kulturni turizam kao sredstvo održivog razvoja"
Berat, Albanija, 21-23. jun 2008.
  • Konzervacija i upravljanje istorijskim objektima"
Nastavak programa stručnog usavršavanja
Santiago i Valparaíso, Čile, 2-14. mart 2008.
  • „Inovativna gradnja drvom" - program stručnog usavršavanja za arhitekte i inženjere u graditelje
Organizator: ProHolz Austria - udruga austrijskog šumarstva i drvne industrije
Split , Hrvatska, 10.04.2008.
  • Četvrti sastanak SEE (South-East European) Heritage mreže
i radionica "Devastacija kulturnog nasljeđa"
Kotor, Crna Gora, 8-10. februar 2008.
  • Program stručnog usavršavanja „Konzervacija i upravljanje istorijskim objektima"
Organizatori: Univerzitet u Lundu, Odsjek za stambenu izgradnju i upravljanje i SIDA, Švedska agencija za međunarodni razvoj i saradnju
Lund, Švedska, 24. septembar-12. oktobar 2007.
  • Radionica: Održiva gradnja
Zlatibor, Srbija, septembar 2007.
  • Treći sastanak SEE (South-East European) Heritage mreže
i javna rasparava "Nasljeđe i njegova zloupotreba u političke i ideološke svrhe"
Skoplje/Ohrid, Makedonija, 2-4. jul 2007.
  • Regionalni seminar o zanatima i održavanju istorijskih objekata
Kotor, 29-31. maj 2007.
Koorganizator: Expeditio
  • 13. sajam ekologije u Budvi, 16-18. maj 2007.
EXPEDITIO je na ovom sajmu predstavio svoje aktivnosti u okviru Sektora za održivu gradnju
  • Međunarodni simpozijum "Obnova kulturnog/arhitektonskog nasljeđa - aspekti, primjeri"
2-4. maj 2007, Novi Sad, Srbija
  • Studijsko putovanje u SAD, april 2007.
Tema: prostorno planiranje i zaštita životne sredine
  • Konferencija - Potencijali za razvoj kulturnog turizma na Cetinju, 26-27. februar 2007, Cetinje
U organizaciji Britanskog savjeta iz Podgorice
  • Učešće u izradi Nacionalne strategije održivog razvoja
u dijelu koji se odnosio na održivi urbani razvoj
Podgorica, Crna Gora, tokom 2006.
  • Studijsko putovanje u Poljsku, 12-19. decembar 2006.
Posjeta predstavnika državnih institucija i nevladinih organizacija iz Crne Gore poljskim institucijama koje podržavaju evropske integracije
Koorganizator: Expeditio
  • Drugi sastanak SEE (South-East European) Heritage mreže
Mreža nevladinih organizacija iz Jugoistočne Evrope koje se bave kulturnim nasljeđem
Gjirokastra, Albanija 6-10. decembar 2006.
  • Pulski festival knjiga i autora - Sa(n)jam knjige u Istri
Pula, 31.11.-09.12.2006.
  • Seminar "Praksa i iskustva u regionalnim razvojnim konceptima jugoistočne Evrope"
Bavarija, 20-25. novembar 2006.
  • QLF Alumni Congress, Mađarska, 02-05. april 2006.
Prvi alumni kongres organizacije Quebec-Labrador Foundation - Atlantic Center for the Environment (QLF)
  • Seminar „Developing philanthropy - public benfit and its implications for society"
Bratislava, mart 2006.
  • Kulturni forum u sklopu projekta "Look Southeast"
u organizaciji MLA - Multilateral Academy iz Dortmunda
21. januar 2006. Dortmund
  • Evropski forum za kulturno nasljeđe "Cultural Heritage Counts for Europe"
Brisel, decembar 2005
  • Svjetski samit informacionog društva - "World Summit of the Information Society, second phase-Tunis"
Tunis, 16-19. novembra 2005.
  • Studijska posjeta Sloveniji - studijsko putovanje EXPEDITIO
26. avgust - 03. septembar 2005.
  • Radni kamp resturacije u Švedskoj
Grythyttan 31.07-13.08. 2005.
  • Studijska posjeta Češkoj i Slovačkoj
Prag, Češka; Bratislava, Slovačka, 1-10.11.2004. Posjetu je finansirao USAID/ORT, u okviru RAC programa
  • Seminar: Jadransko-Jonska inicijativa predsjedništvo Srbije i Crne Gore
Miločer, Crna Gora, 15-16.10.2004.
  • UNESCO Seminar „Prirodne i kulturne prednosti za razvoj održivog turizma u jugoistočnij Evropi"
Kotor, Crna Gora, 19-29.10.2004
  • Nacionalna debata o kulturnoj politici Crne Gore
Podgorica, Crna Gora, 24-25.06.2004.
  • FORMEZ Seminar „Kulturno nasljeđe u Crnoj Gori"
Cetinje, Crna Gora, 07-09.07.2004.
  • Balkan radionica: "Architektonish - historisches Erbe. Neues Leben fur Altbauten. Erhaltung und Rest"
Plovdiv, Bugarska, 22-23.04.2004.
  • Studijska posjeta Hrvatskoj
Zagreb, Rijeka, Hrvatska
Maj 2004.
  • EUROPA NOSTRA međunarodni seminar i radionica
za mlade stručnjake u oblasti zaštite nasljeđa
Split, Hrvatska, 12-19.09.2003
  • Naučni skup: "Selo u Crnoj Gori"
Organizatori CANU (Crnogorska akademija nauka i umjetnosti i Univerzitet Crne Gore. Nastupili smo sa radom "Mogući pravci revitalizacije sela u Crnoj Gori"
18-20.12.2002, Podgorica, Crna Gora
  • Studijsko putovanje u Irsku u okviru projekta: "Savjetodavne usluge Vladi Republike Crne Gore u oblasti prostornog planiranja"
Pokrovitelj Ujedinjene nacije - Program za razvoj (UNDP)
03-10.11.2002 Dublin,Cork, Irska
  • Skup "Problemi i iskustva zaštite istorijskih lokacija i konzervacije kulturnog nasleđa"
Kijev, Ukrajina, 30.09-2.10.2002.
  • Razgovor i diskusija - Iskustva Costa Rice
Predavač: Dr. Rene Castro, specijalni savjetnik Regionalnog Biroa Ujedinjenih Nacija Pograma za Razvoj za Centralnu i Južnu Ameriku
  • Radionica
Banska Stiavnica, Slovakia, 28.05-1.06.2002.
Članica EXPEDITIO je učestvovala u radionici organizovanoj pod pokroviteljstvom UNESCO-a i Ministarstva kulture Slovačke
  • Radionica EUROPA NOSTRA
Dubrovnik, Hrvatska, 11-19.05.2002.
Učešće u radionici na temu "LAZARETI" + EUROPA NOSTRA KONGRES
  • "Central and South Eastern European Youth Invitation Programme "
Tokyo, Japan, 28.10-8.11. 2001.
Jedan predstavnik EXPEDITIO je učestvovao u programu organizovanom od strane Ministarstva inostranih poslova Japana
  • Naučni skup "Grbalj kroz vijekove"
Kotor, Crna Gora,11-13.10 2001.
Učešće sa postavkom izložbe "ZAGORA 2000"
  • Naučni skup Europa Nostra "Revitalizacija starog Kotora i njegove tvrđave"
Kotor, Crna Gora, 10.2001.
  • Volonterski radni kamp u organizaciji "Svedish Association For Building Preservation"
Oland, Švedska, 2-16.09.2001.
Učešće u radnom kampu za rekonstrukciju drvenih kuća u Švedskoj
  • Skup i radionica Europa Nostra "Youth Heritage Forum"
Piran, Slovenija, 04.2001.
Pri ministarskom sastanku Saveta Evrope
  • Savjetovanje "Tradicionalna arhitektura Crne Gore"
Petrovac, Crna Gora, 06.2000.
  • Godišnja skupština Europa Nostra
Napulj, Italija, 1998.
Učešće dva predstavnika EXPEDITIO

Award of the Swiss Cultural Programme in the Western Balkans, 2013

Swiss Cultural Programme in the Western Balkans has awarded the organization EXPEDITIO and Co-Plan (Albania) by allocating funds for the implementation of one additional project, in recognition of the quality work on the project Revival of City Squares in Balkan Cities. Third partner in the project, Organization CSD from Skopje, for technical reasons, could not be given this award, but the agreement between partners decided that the funds will be evenly devided.

Recognition for the project "Gender and Space - Gender mainstreaming in spatial planning processes in Montenegro", 2011

Category 7: Research and studies in the field of urbanism, 20th Urbanism Salon, Nis

First prize in the Competition for the Preliminary Design of the Montenegro Pavilion Building for "EXPO2015 Milan", 2011

Competition for the preliminary design of architectural and interior solution of the Montenegrin Pavilion building for "EXPO2015 Milan".

Special recognition for the Study of the built heritage of Kostanjica at the 19th International Salon of Urban Planning in Sabac, 2010

Study of the built heritage of Kostanjica was awarded special recognition at the 19th International Salon for Urban Planning held in Sabac from 8-15 November, 2010.

Plaque for the Study and Publication "Kostanjica" at the Third Salon of landscape architecture in Zemun (Faculty of Architecture from Podgorica and Expeditio), 2009

The bearer of the study: Faculty of Architecture, University of Montenegro, Podgorica
Authors: Jelena Franovic, landscape arch., Ph.D. Ilija Lalosevic, architect, Aleksandra Kapetanovic, architect, Biljana Gligoric, architect.
The authors and publishers of the publication: Expeditio - Center for Sustainable Development, Kotor and the Faculty of Architecture, Podgorica
Zemun, September 2009.

Special Recognition: Conceptual Design for a Hotel Room, 2007

The competition announced by the Adriatic Fair Budva. The award was granted for a concept that is based on sustainable / ecological approach to design.

The author: Tatjana Rajic, Budva, 28.03.2007.

Certificate for successful implementation of the project "Look Around - Think about Space!", 2006

The certificate was awarded by Olli Rehn, European Commissioner for Enlargement, Podgorica, on July 7th, 2006. The Certificate for Participation in the CARDS 2003 program

Wild Beauty Award, 2006

Plaque for the campaign "Look Around-Think About Space", December 16th,2006. Wild Beauty Award 2006

First prize in the competition for the preliminary design of web presentation destination-durmitor, 2006

Note: In a later stage of development, this site has undergone treatment to which Expeditio had no influence.

Recognition at the 13th Salon of urbanism Banja Luka, 2004

The award for contribution and improvement of the built heritage and cultural heritage for architectural workshop "Godinje", Banja Luka 2004. The Award for the Project "Godinje"

Second prize at the architectural competition "Coffee Palace - Dojmi", 2002

Authors: Biljana Gligoric i Tanja Rajic, Kotor, 2002. Press "Pobjeda"

The award for the best web site on the domain cg.yu for the month of June 2001

The award for the best work in the field of graphic design at the exhibition Biennale "Grifon", 1998

For the publication "Three Hundred Years of Solitude", Belgrade, 1998

Recognition for Publishing at the 21st Salon of Architecture, 1998

Award for the publication "Three Hundred Years of Solitude", Belgrade, 1998

First prize at the 6th Salon of Urbanism in Nis, 1997

The best student work (topic: Perast), Nis 1997.

EXPEDITIO is a non-governmental organization whose mission is to encourage sustainable spatial development in Montenegro and SEE region through activity in the fields of sustainable architecture, cultural heritage, urban planning and through projects that encourage overall development of the civil society. Expeditio was established in 1997.

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Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.
Margaret Mead, anthropologist

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Portal zelenagradnja.me namijenjen je arhitektima, srodnim inženjerskim strukama i svima vama koji se zalažete za održivi prostorni razvoj. Portal će vam pomoći da unaprijedite svoja znanja o "zelenoj" gradnji uz sveobuhvatne informacije i savjete za kreiranje ekološki odgovornih arhitektonskih rješenja.

zelenagradnja.me baner2

ENEA - Energy Efficiency Living Lab
Suočavanje sa izazovima nedovoljne energetske efikasnosti u sektoru građevinarstva kroz podsticanje razmjene znanja među akterima iz Italije, Albanije i Crne Gore.


Razmjena znanja radi unapređenja proizvoda i usluga u oblasti energetski efikasne prefabrikovane gradnje

poster resize

Benefit Living
GRADIMO savremene, energetski efikasne i ekonomski isplative kuće u Crnoj Gori

brosura benefit naslovna

Dani energije u Crnoj Gori
Sprovođenje kampanje "The Sustainable Energy Europe" u Crnoj Gori


Gradimo ekološki - gradimo sa prirodom
Kampanja sa ciljem upoznavanja šire i stručne javnosti sa različitim vidovima ekološkog graditeljstva

poster odrziva

Seminar: Održiva gradnja u Crnoj Gori, Cetinje

00 cetinje Daniel Fügenschuh

Upravljanje prostorom - promocija EU strandarda

promocija eu standarda

Expeditio results

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