The project Revival of City Squares in Balkan Cities was implemented during 2011-2012 The project aimed to contribute to the revival of city squares as viable public places that foster cultural identity and promote diversity through enforcement of public policies and active community participation. The project lead partner was organization Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development from Tirana, Albania; while the project partners were: Coalition for Sustainable Development KOR from Skopje, Macedonia; EXPEDITIO from Kotor, Montenegro and Polis University (International School of Architecture and Urban Development Policies) from Tirana, Albania.
Architectural research of the former French Embassy building in Cetinje were carried out as one of the activities within the project "Ljubljana Process - Rehabilitation of our common heritage", coordinated by the Regional Cooperation Council Task Force on Culture and Society (RCCTFCS), with headquarters in Cetinje. The Ministry of Culture is responsible for the implementation of activities in Montenegro. The project is funded by the European Union through a grant intended for the sustainable rehabilitation of cultural heritage in the Western Balkans.
Rockefeller Brothers Fund approved the funding of the project "Promotion of Education for Sustainable Development through Professional Support to the Implementation of the Cross-Curricular Area: Sustainable Cities and Neighborhoods". The project aims to raise awareness of sustainable spatial planning in schools in Montenegro. Education on spatial planning, sustainable forms of transport and land use, will be implemented through a multi disciplinary lesson "Sustainable cities and towns" as part of school curricula.
In early March 2013 the EU program "Culture Programme 2007-2013" (Line 1.2.1 'Cooperation project') approved the project ECLECTIS. One of the seven partners in this project and Expeditio. Within the project ECLECTIS, organizations ProstoRož from Slovenia, Expeditio from Montenegro, Tranforms from Portugal, Waag from Netherlands, Idensitat from Spain, Dedale from France and EFAP (European Forum for Architectural Policies) from Belgium aim at implementing an innovative structuring European process to favour citizens’ integration in the urban making, valuing European diversity, intercultural dialogue and new technologies as sources to stimulate creativity and new practices.
Preparation and publishing of the book "Stroll around Kotor and Guide for Inquisitive Children" was supported by the Ministry of Culture of Montenegro within the Competition for financing projects in the field of cultural and artistic creation in 2011. Author of the book is Stanka Brdar, while publishers were Expeditio and Foundation Kotor Festival of Theatre for Children.
At the beginning of March 2012, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund (RBF) approved a grant to Expeditio for the implementation of the project “Promoting the Principles of Sustainable Development in Public Spaces of Boka Kotorska”. The aim of the project is to implement various interventions in some of the public spaces identified through the realized process of “Mapping of public spaces”, making them, in that way, experimental fields for promoting sustainable development ideas. The duration of the project is two years.
Click here to read more about the project. The activties are listed and described below.
In August 2013 Anna Lindh Foundation has decided to support the project Expeditio "SPACES OF DIVERSITY- Public spaces as a field of intercultural dialogue and the promotion of social values". Project will last 11 months.
Read more about project here. Below you can follow the activities.