This project was designed in cooperation with the Municipality of Kotor in order to strengthen the capacity of local governments and non-governmental organizations in the Bay of Kotor for projects writing and managing grants from the EU funds. The project is funded under the program PHILIA - Association of Multiethnic Cities of Southeast Europe.
This is the first project that deals with inter-municipal cooperation in the territory of the Boka Kotorska - among the municipalities of Kotor, Tivat and Herceg Novi. This is the first project of this type in Montenegro. Funding for the project was approved by the Netherlands Embassy in Belgrade, through their office in Podgorica, the general topic of the project will be cultural tourism of the Boka Bay. The main objective of the project is development and testing of various forms of cooperation between municipalities, NGOs and private companies in the region of Boka Kotorska.
This is a partnership project which includes 7 non-governmental organizations from Montenegro, among them EXPEDITIO. The aim of this project is adoption of Spatial Plan of Montenegro, which is in process and should be harmonized with European standards in the field of spatial planning. Spatial Plan monitoring from various aspects is implemented by the following non-governmental organizations from Montenegro: MANS, Green Home, Center for Bird Study and Protection, Breznica, Expeditio, Monitoring Group Ulcinj - MOGUL and Natura. Sponsor: UNDP.
EXPEDITIO has published GUIDE TO PERAST and PERAST BROCHURE in our and English language. Guide and brochure printing was funded by the US Agency for International Development (USAID), through IRD, as part of the development of community through democratic economic activity (CRDA). Along with the guide is made bilingual WEB SITE PERAST . Development of the web site is financed by the Municipality of Kotor resources for financing NGO projects in 2005.
At the Competition for the allocation of funds to non-governmental organizations for 2006 EXPEDITIO received part of the funds for the project "Spaces without Barriers". The main activity of the project is the issue of the first textbook in Montenegro about architectural and construction standards for adaptation for disabled persons. Partners: Faculty of Architecture Sarajevo Dr. Emir Fejzic. Sponsors: Republic of Montenegro Assembly (at the Competition for the allocation of funds to NGOs for 2006).
The campaign "Look Around - Think about Space!" Was launched by EXPEDITIO in April 2005. The aim of the campaign is gathering citizens of Montenegro around a topic that is a common problem for all of us which is treatening the environment by (inadequate) building. The territory covered by the campaign is Montenegro, and the project is implemented in cooperation with partners and associates from non-governmental organizations: Natura - Kolasin, Niksic Architects' Society, Napredak - Gornja Lastva, Club of Architects - Herceg Novi, Za Druga - Petrovac and the Society of Friends of Durmitor - Zabljak. The project will last 18 months and began in April 2005. The project is financed from the funds of the European Union through the European Agency for Reconstruction in Podgorica.
The aim of the project "Managing Space - Promoting EU standards" was to increase the awareness of citizens of Serbia and Montenegro on European standards in the field of space - urban planning, architecture, sustainable development and cultural heritage, as well as to determine the directions of action in these areas so that could be made a step up of Serbia and Montenegro towards European integration. Partners: PaPs - Pubic Art and Public Space from Belgrade. Donor: EU European Movement in Serbia - European Integration Fund.
As part of project funded by the Rockefeller Brothers Foundation "Skadar Lake - Sustainable Development", one of the activities has related to the preparation of the study "Skadar Lake - Study of the Potential for Sustainable Development". The publication was not issued in printed form, but can be used in digital. The reasons for directing research in this geographical area lie in the extraordinary richness and diversity of its cultural landscape (natural and built) environment, that represents the greatest potential for development of the region, which has not yet been properly evaluated.
In the period of two years (2003-2005) EXPEDITIO performed another role, acting as a Regional Advocacy Centre (RAC). EXPEDITIO RAC is committed to supporting non-governmental organizations and promoting better relations between NGOs, government bodies, business sector and the media in the municipalities of Kotor, Tivat, Budva, Herceg Novi, Bar and Ulcinj. Sponsors: USAID / ORT MAP (Montenegro Advocacy Program).
The project "ECOLOGICAL BUILDING - BUILDING WITH NATURE" is conceived as a campaign with the aim of informing the general and expert public with different aspects of sustainable development in the field of ecological construction, energy use and environmental protection. EXPEDITIO has decided to take this step aware of the environmental and economic crisis in which we live as well as complete focus on the energy sources that are almost exhausted and non-renewable which use results in pollution, with considerable imbalance of natural flows. Sponsors: Republic of Montenegro Assembly.
The project was based on an event organized in Kotor on April 17th 2004, that included - three lectures on architects and artists who were active in the Boka Kotorska in the 20th century: architect Milan Zlokovic, lecture held by prof. dr Ljiljana Blagojevic from Belgrade, architect Nikola Dobrovic, lecture held by Krunoslav Ivanisin from Dubrovnik, artist Vojislav Stanic, ecture held by prof. Irina Subotic from Belgrade and an exhibition of photographs by Milica Lopicic, a student of architecture from Belgrade. Donors: PRO HELVETIA Belgrade and Swiss Cultural Programme for Serbia and Montenegro.
With its work “The Story about Two Islands” EXPEDITIO participated, as representative of Serbia and Montenegro, at the 9th Biennial of Venice 2004. The topic of the Biennial was “METAMORPH”, and of our pavilion “Montenegrin ECO-logic Lab”.The work of EXPEDITIO is a computer 3D animation, one of six works done by architects and artists that are active on the territory of Montenegro. Donors: Ministry of Culture and Media of the Republic of Montenegro
Since June 2003, EXPEDITIO has performed another role, acting as a Regional Advocacy Centre (RAC). EXPEDITIO RAC was dedicated to supporting non-governmental organizations and promoting better quality relations between NGOs, government bodies, the business sector and the media in the municipality of Kotor, Tivat, Budva, Herceg Novi, Bar and Ulcinj. One of the activities carried out within the RAC in 2004 was the implementation of Watchdog initiative in cooperation with NGOs Mans and Natura.
The project “Planning for the future” was a partner project conducted by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) with partners from non-governmental sector, one of which was EXPEDITIO. The aim of the project was to monitor the drawing up and implementation of the new Low on Spatial Planning and land use management of the Republic of Montenegro. Partners: Ministry of Environmental Protection and Physical Planning of MontenegroMinistry of Tourism of Montenegro, SIDASwedish International Development Cooperation Agency, UNDP-United Nations Development Programme, EXPEDITIO and Association of Architects of Montenegro.
How To Send A Message / How To Produce A Contemporary Art Work – Step By Step (HSM) is an author project of artist Milica Tomic, whose starting idea was to make the process of an art work creation visible, to render this traumatic act less dramatic. The project has been conducted in cooperation with the Nordic, Serbian and Austrian artists. Expeditio was a partner in this project. Sponsors/producers: The Nordic Council of Ministers (within a two-year programme Norden Balkan Culture Switch) and The Nordic Institute for Contemporary Art – NIFCA.
EXPEDITIO organized the third volunteer restoration camp on Viskovic Palace in Perast, in co-operation with the partner organization Svenska Byggnadsvardsföreningen from Stockholm (the Swedish Association for Building Preservation).This year restoration camp on Viskovic Palace in Perast focused on the conservation and restoration of wooden doors.
In cooperation with NGO “GODINJE”, Expeditio organized an architectural workshop in the village of Godinje on Skadar Lake. 9 students of architecture and volunteers from NGO Godinje took part in the workshop. Within this project is done publication: "EXPEDITIO Godinje - architectural workshop" that represent research of condicted work during the workshop.Partner: NGO "Godinje". Donors: NEXT Fresh & co, Subotica and NGO Godinje, Podgorica. Publication printing was additionaly funded by Ministry of Culture and Media of Montenegro.
In 2004 EXPEDITO conducted the campaign “Medieval Towns of Montenegro” aimed at presenting and promoting the medieval towns of Montenegro as an insufficiently known cultural-historical segment of the Montenegrin past and culture, and recognizing these localities as unique and attractive cultural itineraries which could attract a considerable number of tourists. Donors: UNDP-United Nations Development Programme and Rockefeller Brothers Fund, USA.
In 2005 EXPEDITIO published the second edition of the publication on Perast “Three Hundred Years of Solitude” in Italian language, that presents the results of the first school of architecture conducted in Perast in 1997. It is published with the aim to present and promote the values of Perast. Donor / support: Marco Polo System g.e.i.e., Venezia, Italia.
Publication “Palaces of Boka Kotorska” and web site were developed as a result of the project „Culture Itineraires - Palaces of Boka Kotorska“. The project was aimed at presenting the palaces of Boka Kotorska and including them into the official tourist offer, as one of the possible cultural itineraries, in order to contribute to recognizing the value of heritage and improving cultural tourism of Montenegro, enhancing at the same time economic and social development of the country. Donors: Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Montenegro and Municipality of Kotor.
The project implies observing the process of constructing a United Nations building in Podgorica. It was the first UN building and the first public building in this area constructed according to the ecological construction principles. The project aims at promoting the idea, principles and techniques of sustainable, energy efficient construction, and raising awareness about them, through observing the full process of UN building realization. This project lasted 2 years and donor was UNDP, office in Podgorica.
Project “Polish Experiences Meet Montenegro Challenges on NGO Capacity Building” was initiated by the Institute for Sustainable Development in Warsaw, which was one of the most active social organizations in awareness raising on the way to Poland accession to the European Union. Partners of the Institute for Sustainable Development on this project were: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Montenegro and Sustainable Development Office and, as the main partner, EXPEDITIO Center for Sustainable Spatial Development from Kotor. The project was realized thanks to the help of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland within the tasks related to foreign and international development cooperation aid. Donor: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland, within the framework of the foreign assistance programme in 2006.