Director of Tourist Organization of Kotor Mirza Krcic visited the elementary school "Narodni heroj Savo Ilic" in Dobrota and met with the school principal Nebojsa Kuc and assistant director Dijana Milosevic. The topic of discussion was cooperation between the school and the town's Tourist Organization, which was established in May this year, when the kids from 8th grade walked around the city with a guide and were acquainted with the cultural and historical heritage of Kotor. The reason for the visit was to socialize with students and two classes of sixth grade. Krcic donated, on this occasion, 60 books - guides for children called "Djir po Kotoru" (Stroll around Kotor) of Stanka Brdar, which is first publishing venture of Kotor Art Festival Theatre for Children, which was implemented in cooperation with the NGO "Expeditio" Kotor, and with financial support from the Ministry of Culture of Montenegro .
Krcic took this opportunity to thank author Stanka Brdar and director of Kotor Festival Theatres for Children, Petar Pejakovic for release of the guide. Students are introduced to the Tourist Organisation's tasks and its role and than recited their poems about Kotor. The school administration agreed that the two classes of fourth grade, in April next year, can be guests of Tourist Organization and even better familiarize with their city with help of tourist guide.
Information and photo have been taken from the web site of Radio Kotor