On Friday, 21 September 2012, a workshop entitled “The role and possibilities for action of Local Governments in the process of protection, management and maintenance of cultural heritage“ was held in the Municipality of Kotor. The workshop was organized by EXPEDITIO and the Department for the Protection of Natural and Cultural Heritage in the Municipality of Kotor.
The workshop was attended by representatives of the Local Governments in Montenegro, Association of Municipalities of Montenegro, Administration for Cultural Heritage Protection, Centre for Conservation and Archaeology of Montenegro, Maritime Museum of Montenegro, Nautical College Library Kotor and Public Institution “Museums” Kotor.
The workshop was organized as a part of the project “CSEinHeritage - Civil Society Engagement in the preservation of the built cultural heritage of the Western Balkans”, implemented within the IPA 2009 – Civil Society Facility – Multi-beneficiary Programmes “Support to partnership Actions between Cultural Organisations” launched by the European Commission. EXPEDITIO is one of the partners in this project, while the Department for the Protection of Natural and Cultural Heritage is an associate.
Given that the Local Governments have an important role to play in the management and preservation of cultural heritage situated on their territories, the aim of the workshop was to discuss the role and possibilities for action of Local Governments in the process of protection, management and maintenance of cultural heritage.
The introductory part focused on the following themes: Cultural Heritage – from Intangible Heritage to Cultural Landscape; The role and possibilities for action of Local Governments in the process of protection, management and maintenance of cultural heritage – a legal framework in Montenegro; Activities in the field of cultural heritage protection: Cooperation between the local governments and institutions; Possible activities - Good practice examples from abroad and NGO activity in cultural heritage protection field. In the second part, funding possibilities for heritage projects were presented, as well as European funds for culture and cultural heritage. This was followed by a discussion in order to identify the needs for further activity in cultural heritage field (human resources development; trainings in project proposals writing and implementation; strengthening cooperation with the state institutions, non-governmental organizations, business sector, etc.), and possible project ideas.
The workshop agenda can be downloaded HERE
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S poštovanjem,
Aleksandra Kapetanović, EXPEDITIO
Tvrtko Crepulja, Sekretarijat za zaštitu prirodne i kulturne baštine Opštine Kotor