”Stroll around Kotor – A Guide for Inquisitive Children” /„Đir po Kotoru - vodič za radoznalu djecu“, written by Stanka Brdar, is the first publishing project of the Foundation “Kotor Festival of Children’s Theatre”, realized in cooperation with the NGO Expeditio. This children’s picture book speaks of Kotor’s squares, legends, churches, famous people and tells stories of Captain Ivo Vizin, Small Admiral, Boka Navy, Brass Band of Kotor, celebrations organized in Kotor, and even the cats taking a slumber in the old town streets.
The book “Stroll around Kotor – A Guide for Inquisitive Children” was released by the Foundation “Kotor Festival of Children’s Theatre” and Expeditio. Its publication was supported by the Ministry of Culture of Montenegro through its call for proposals for co-financing projects in the field of cultural and artistic creation in 2011.