-2012Dear friends, nearing the end of 2012, we want to briefly remind you of the most important projects and activities Expeditio implemented over the last 12 months. We wish you all the best for the coming 2013 and thank you cordially for taking interest in our work! Yours Expeditio

   PROJECT COMPLETED IN 2012.                              

Successful realization of the project Sostenuto [...]


Successful completion of the project Revival of City Squares in Balkan Cities [...]


Successful realization of the project CSEinHeritage [...]


  CURRENT PROJECTS                             

Valorization of the vernacular heritage in Montenegro [...]


Promoting the Principles of Sustainable Development in Public Spaces of Boka Kotorska [...]




1. Publication realized in partnership with NVO Green Home iz Podgorice and Expeditio: "Plannig Guidelines that Lead to Sustainable Spatial Development" [...]


2. E-brochure: “Catalogue of Public Spaces in Boka Kotorska” [...]


3. Publication - research: Cultural Practices of Citizens in Boka Kotorska” [...]


4. Publication: "Contributions for the Cultural Development Programme for the Municipality of Kotor 2012-2016." [...]


5. Children’s book: ”Stroll around Kotor – A Guide for Inquisitive Children”, written by Stanka Brdar, published in partnership with “The Kotor Festival of Children’s Theatre and Expeditio [...]


6. Cooperation in creating the publication: ”Prokletije/Bjeshkët e Nëmuna - Biodiversity and Cultural Heritage”  [...]


7.Cooperation in creating publications within the Sostenuto project: Culture as a factor for Economic and Social Innovation" and "Culture & Innovation(s)  [...]


  THE MOST IMPORTANT ACTIVITIES IN 2012.                      

  •  Participation in the final conference of the Sostenuto project in Valencia, Spain [...]


  •  Cooperation in organizing the workshop in Gornja Lastva ”Agriculture, Landscape and Economic Development[...]


  •   Activities in public spaces: Yoga in the Park - Kotor and Tivat [...]


  • Organizing a Course on Permaculture in the House of Free Thought, Kavač [...]


  •  Creating a database of actors dealing with issues related to public spaces in the Balkans/SEE region [...]
  • Participation in the UN Conference on Sustainable Development Rio+20 [...]


  • Contributions for the Cultural Development Programme for the Municipality of Herceg Novi 2012-2016 [...]


  •    Contributions for the Cultural Development Programme for the Municipality of 2012-2016 [...]
  • Focus groups on city squares and open public spaces in Kotor [...]
  • Recognition for the project “Gender and Space” at the Salon of Urbanism in Niš [...]


  •  Actions in public spaces - sculpture “Tristan” in Herce Novi [...]
  • Actions in public spaces: Stories under the Vault – recycled old lamps borrowed from the citizens of Kotor turned into a chandelier which was placed in a public space in Kotor [...]

  • Participation in the course ”Living Laboratories: Resilience and Sustainability of Municipalities”, Venice [...]



 Other topics of importance for EXPEDITIO in 2012:

A broadcast on Expeditio on te National television(RTCG )

Writing a diary for the Radio Free Europe

Interview for the portal PCNEN

Participation in the training  „Managing EU-fundation Projects“

Lecture in: Campus as a miniature town- University Complex Design

 Participation in symposium “NEW URBANITY: Cities vs. Global Challenges”

Participation in the project CORNERS - Balkanska Xpedicija in Cetinje

Membership in the Network for Corporate Social Responsibility

Participation in symposium: Shaping Cities - European Organizations Operating in City Space, Prague

Presiding over a session of the National Council for Sustainable Development

Participation in the seminar "Building with Wood"

Participation at the 10th annual meeting of the SEE Heritage Network, Skopje 08-10 June 2012

Participatio in the conference in Brussels: The role of civil society in the promotion of sustainable transport

Engagement of EXPEDITIO in the process related to a bypass (road) in the area of Kotor Municipality

 Participation at the conference on homelessness, Beograd

Participation in training: Young leaders for sustainable future, Šolta, Croatia

Expeditio represented in the jury of "Boka Artist Residence" competition

Participation in UNESCO School in South East Europe- Sustainable Energy Governance in UNESCO Designated Sites, Dubrovnik

Director of CABE (Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment) visited Expeditio

Nomination for the Mies van der Rohe Award 2013

Paper of Expeditio representative: "NGOs and their role in education for sustainable development" at the conference "The Role of Universities and Their Contribution of Sustainable Development"

Towns for Equality: Participation in the conference "Promotion of the European charter for equality of women and men in local life", Mostar

For more information, please visit our website.

EXPEDITIO is a non-governmental organization whose mission is to encourage sustainable spatial development in Montenegro and SEE region through activity in the fields of sustainable architecture, cultural heritage, urban planning and through projects that encourage overall development of the civil society. Expeditio was established in 1997.

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Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.
Margaret Mead, anthropologist

Izdvajamo projekte u oblasti održive gradnje

Portal: zelenagradnja.me
Portal zelenagradnja.me namijenjen je arhitektima, srodnim inženjerskim strukama i svima vama koji se zalažete za održivi prostorni razvoj. Portal će vam pomoći da unaprijedite svoja znanja o "zelenoj" gradnji uz sveobuhvatne informacije i savjete za kreiranje ekološki odgovornih arhitektonskih rješenja.

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Suočavanje sa izazovima nedovoljne energetske efikasnosti u sektoru građevinarstva kroz podsticanje razmjene znanja među akterima iz Italije, Albanije i Crne Gore.


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GRADIMO savremene, energetski efikasne i ekonomski isplative kuće u Crnoj Gori

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Sprovođenje kampanje "The Sustainable Energy Europe" u Crnoj Gori


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00 cetinje Daniel Fügenschuh

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Expeditio results

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