Expeditio representative had a presentation during the Summer School of Architecture, Bac 2011 - "Sustainable development of protected cultural monuments: the Church of St. Paul complex with a monastery of nuns of Notre Dame and the old orphanage in Bac-revitalization project through Vizitor center " which was organized by a non-governmental association Group of Architects.
Expeditio representative had a presentation "Role of civil society in the field of protection of cultural heritage" and "Application of traditional crafts in the reconstruction of cultural monuments and volunteer work camps of restoration".
More information about the Summer School of Architecture in Bac can see on the website:
Predstavnica EXPEDITIO je održala prezentaciju “Uloga civilnog sektora na polju zaštite kulturnih dobara” i “Primjena tradicionalnih zanata u rekonstrukciji spomenika kulture i volonterski radni kampovi restauracije”
Više informacija o Ljetnoj školi arhitekture u Baču možete vidjeti na sajtu Grupe Arhitekata.