Establishing a proactive, responsible citizenry and fostering citizens’ participation in European
policy-making is easiest activated on local level. Policies developed and implemented on local level concern the immediate personal living environments of European citizens. Belonging to Europe, as well as developing a certain ‘personal ownership’ of the European Union as common polity of its citizens has to start first and foremost close to our hearts and minds – hence on a local decision-making level. This implies that political decisions made on EU level and European values endorsed across the continent ideally also have to permeate local cultural policies. In this book, two renown experts, Jordi Pascual i Ruiz and Sanjin Dragojević explore the conceptual framework and the theories behind citizen participation in local cultural policy development and the mechanisms of how participation can be realised on the city level.
Expeditio translated this publication into Montenegrin language through SOSTENUTO project. Limited number of copies has been printed and electronic version you can download here