In January 2011, the non-governmental organizations Green Home and Expeditio started to implement the project entitled “Monitoring of Implementation of Principles of Sustainable Spatial Development and Environmental Protection in Spatial Planning Documents of Montenegro”. The Project was supported by the Foundation Open Society Institute (FOSI), representative office in Podgorica. One of activities implemented within this project is the workshop entitled “Sustainable Development and Environmental Protection in Spatial Planning Documents of Montenegro” in which the project and results obtained by implementation of project-related activities will be presented.
The Project arose from the need to determine the degree of harmonization of the local legislation with EU one. In the past years, Montenegro made a significant progress on its path toward EU integration. A significant number of commitments in this process relate to harmonization of the local legislation with the EU one. The major part of these commitments of Montenegro relate to environmental protection and sustainable development in a wider sense. Despite indisputable progress made in these fields, there is still a concern if the legislation regulating the mentioned fields really produces the results observable by ordinary citizens in their environment. Based on several-year experience of the two organizations, we can conclude that there is a significant space for improvement of implementation of these principles and commitments, especially in the field of environmental protection and sustainable spatial planning.
The aim of the Project is to encourage implementation of the principles of sustainable spatial development and environmental protection in spatial planning documents of Montenegro.
We invite you to attend the workshop to be held on 07/07/2011 at 10:00h in the Press Centre (Bulevar Josipa Broza 23A). Please find attached the working version of the agenda.
You are kindly asked to send the confirmation of your attendance to the following e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. no later than Thursday, 30/06/2011 at 12:00h. This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Best regards,
Sanja Svrkota, GreenHome