EXPEDITIO representative attended the General Assembly of the Association CIVILSCAPE, which was held in Antwerp, Belgium, on 10-12 December 2010. At this meeting, following the decision by the CIVILSCAPE’s Executive Board, EXPEDITIO was admitted to membership of this association.
CIVILSCAPE is an international association of civil society organizations. These are non-governmental organisations (NGO) which dedicate their work to landscape protection, management and planning, according to the “European Landscape Convention” (Florence, October 20th 2000). Currently, CIVILSCAPE has 41 members from 21 countries.
“Landscape” means an area, as perceived by people, whose character is the result of the action and interaction of natural and/or human factors. Therefore our activities covers natural, rural, urban and peri-urban areas. It includes land, inland water and marine areas. It concerns landscapes that might be considered outstanding as well as everyday or degraded landscapes. “Landscapes” are an essential component of people’s surroundings, an expression of the diversity of their shared cultural and natural heritage, and a foundation of their identity.
CIVILSCAPE is dedicated to creating an enabling environment for civil society organizations, documenting the civil society organizations community, strengthening the infrastructure of the citizen sector , and promoting collaboration, both among civil society organizations and between civil society organizations, political or administrative bodies and other actors, to advance the public good in Europe and beyond.
For additional information on CIVILSCAPE, please visiti www.civilscape.org.
CIVILSCAPE je međunarodno udruženje organizacija civilnog društva koje posvećuju svoj rad zaštiti, upravljanju i planiranju predjela, u skladu s „Evropskom konvencijom o predjelu“ (Firenca, 20. oktobar 2000.) CIVILSCAPE trenutno ima 41 članicu iz 21 zemlje.
„Predio“ označava određenu teritoriju, onako kako je vidi stanovništvo, čiji je karakter rezultat akcija i interakcija prirodnih i/ili antropogenih faktora. Zato aktivnosti CIVILSCAPE-a obuhvataju prirodna, seoska, gradska i prigradska područja. One se fokusiraju na zemljište, kopnene vode i morska područja, kao i na predjele koji se mogu smatrati izuzetnim, ali i na obične ili degradirane predjele. „Predjeli“ su osnovna komponenta životnog okruženja ljudi, izraz raznolikosti njihovog zajedničkog kulturnog i prirodnog nasljeđa, i temelj njihovog identiteta.
Udruženje CIVILSCAPE posvećeno je stvaranju podsticajnog okruženja za organizacije civilnog društva, identifikovanju organizacija civilnog društva, jačanju infrastrukture civilnog sektora, kao i promovisanju saradnje, kako među samim organizacijama civilnog društva tako i između ovih organizacija i političkih ili administrativnih tijela i drugih aktera, radi unapređenja javnog dobra u Europi i šire.
Više o organizaciji CIVILSCAPE možete pogledati na web stranici www.civilscape.org.