Expeditio representative attended the announcement of the international conference “Energy Management in Cultural Heritage” which was held in the UNDP Montenegro office. This conference will take place in Dubrovnik, Croatia, on 6-8 April 2011. We take this opportunity to bring this event to your attention.
The conference will take place from the 6th to the 8th of April, 2011, in Dubrovnik. Some 250 participants, including representatives of offices for cultural heritage protection, representatives of national and local authorities, architects and other engineeris in the construction industry, urban planners and decision makers in the field of building construction and environmental protection, as well as consultants and other experts from the field of cultural heritage protection, are expected to attend this high level event.
While UNDP is the main organizer of the conference, the Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship, the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Environmental Protection, Physical Planning and Construction, the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund, GTZ Open Regional Fund (ORF-E) and UNESCO will actively participate in the conference as well.
The main goal of the conference is to promote energy efficiency in cultural heritage buildings in the region, through exchanging knowledge and experience applied in pilot projects and case studies in Croatia and worldwide.
For more information, please visit http://www.ee.undp.hr