The aim of the project is to educate youth/children about the values of space, its advantages and capacities for the community development. This is an important topic considering that public spaces in Montenegro are generally rather neglected and often dangerous for their users and that education about the values of space is insufficient in Montenegro.
Schoolyards are among the most neglected public spaces. Instead of being creative oasis, places of creative energy and unique juvenile spirit that reflect the way of life and needs of youth/children, schoolyards are very often in a poor state, they are not used un an adequate way and their potential for developing various activities for youth/children is completely unused.
Because of that, the education of youth/children about the values of space will be conducted through a concrete intervention in a schoolyard of one primary school in Kotor, where the children will have a chance to express their ideas about the arrangement of their schoolyard and to make 3D models.
The aims of the project:
1. To increase knowledge of primary and secondary school students about the values of space through delivering thematic lessons and workshops in the primary school "Savo Ilic" in Kotor
2. To increase practical knowledge of schoolchildren about the designing of space through concrete arrangement of the schoolyard of "Savo Ilić" school
3. To promote the values of space, with special emphasis on space for youth/children
4. To support the Education Office of Montenegro in their efforts to introduce education about space as part of regular curriculum in Montenegrin schools
The lead organization: Expeditio
Partners in the project:
- Primary School "Savo Ilić" in Kotor
- Office for the prevention of drug abuse and risk behavior, Kotor
- NGO Forum MNE (Forum Youth and Informal Education), Kotor
- Education Office of Montenegro
The donor of the project: Foundation Open Society Institute - Representative Office Montenegro, Podgorica
Awarded funds: EUR 11,320.00