A film produced within the campaign entitled “Managing Space – Promoting European Standards” represents a summary of the most relevant European documents used by the European Union over the last years in regulating the main guidelines of spatial development.
In what direction are European towns being developed?
How are urban space and environment treated in Europe?
What are the problems of spatial development that Europe is facing in today's energy and ecological crisis?
The film directs us to the current principles of development in Europe: what is the importance of cultural heritage, why is it necessary to adopt the principles of sustainable development, how urgent is it to use alternative energy sources, can towns survive without cars, what are European urban rights?
The film stresses the necessity of changing our attitude to space. After a period of wars and destruction, complete degradation of the value system, entry into transition period, lack of basic human rights, the traces remaining in our spatial environment represent the most obvious materialization of negative processes we have gone through. Unfortunately, some of these traces remain permanent and irreversible physical evidence for many decades, and when we consider destruction and unplanned use of natural resources, the consequences are hard to perceive.
Do we possess means and methods to make our towns suitable places to live?
Are some European experiences good guidelines for our spatial development?
The film gives an overview of high-quality spatial and architectural solutions, new approaches to energy use and sustainable planning principles in Europe, and draws attention to European standards in relation to space, which should be foundation of our spatial development.
The film authors >>> OD DO Architects from Belgrade
If you are interested in obtaining a free copy of the film, please contact us and we will send you a CD by mail !