Before and after the round table we have conducted two SURVEYS in municipal Departments for Urbanism for the purpose of assessing the situation in the field of spatial planning and management:
In the first Survey, before the Round table, the following questions were asked (the Survey was filled in by 14 Municipalities):
° What do you perceive as problem/s of space devastation in your Municipality?
° What is the percentage (%) of illegal building in your Municipality?
° What do you perceive as problem/s in implementation/application of plans in practice?
° What do you see as solution/s for the problem of inadequate/illegal building?
° What are the major problems you encounter in implementing the Law?...
In the second Survey, after the Round table, we have tried to find out possible solutions to the following recognized problems (the Survey was filled in by 9 Municipalities):
° Absence of spatial development vision (at the level of political decision)
° Lack of finances
° Absence of permanent planning in Municipalities
° Corruption
° Outdated and/or inadequate plans
° Inadequate implementation of plans
° Divided and/or disharmonized competences between the Ministry and Municipalities
° Lack of knowledge of modern planning trends
° Lack of staff and insufficiently-qualified staff in Municipalities
° Inadequate legislation
° Pressure from investors
° Absence and/or unavailability of updated cadastral layers/documents
Report on the SURVEY RESULTS has been sent to:
° Ministry of environmental protection and spatial planning
° All Municipalities in Montenegro (addresses to mayors)
° Republic and regional institutes for the protection of cultural monuments
° Republic institute for urbanism and spatial planning
° Architectural faculty in Podgorica
° Republic institute for nature protection
° Public enterprises
° International organizations
° Non-governmental organizations
° Media ...