učesniciOn 20-21 July 2007 in Kotor, EXPEDITIO in partnership with the Municipality of Kotor organized training on project proposal writing. The training was intended for local administrations and non-governmental organizations from the region of Boka Kotorska. The training was organized within the project “BETTER PREPARED FOR EUROPEAN FUNDS - Strengthening capacity of local governments and non-governmental organizations in Boka Kotorska for projects writing and managing grants from the EU funds”. The project is financed by PHILIA – Association of Multiethnic Cities of Southeast Europe from Novi Sad.
The main goals of the project are: 1. Increasing capacity of local governments in Montenegro for writing and managing EU projects, and raising the level of information about possibilities for applying for EU funds 2. Strengthening partnerships between municipalities in Montenegro and non-governmental organizations, and buiding trust between these sectors through their cooperation
The aim of the training was to provide participants with the basic knowledge in the filed of project writing and managing EU grants. The training was run by experts from CRNVO (Centre for the development of NGOs) from Podgorica and attended by 15 participants.
EXPEDITIO is a non-governmental organization whose mission is to encourage sustainable spatial development in Montenegro and SEE region through activity in the fields of sustainable architecture, cultural heritage, urban planning and through projects that encourage overall development of the civil society. Expeditio was established in 1997.
The book “The Cultural Landscape of Tivat Saline” was created as part of the project titled “TIVAT SALINE – Presentation of an Exceptional Cultural Landscape,” supported by the Tourism Organization of...
Knjiga „Kulturni pejzaž Tivatskih solila“ nastala je u okviru projekta pod nazivom “TIVATSKA SOLILA – prezentacija izuzetnog kulturnog pejzaža” koji je podržan od strane Turističke organizacije Opštin...
Knjiga „Potencijali, izazovi i mogući pristupi u aktiviranju kulturne baštine Crne Gore na ruti EuroVelo8“, daje značajan i višeglasan doprinos razumijevanju procesa ekonomske valorizacije kulturne ba...
Naručilac projekta realizacije "Studije kulturnog pejzaža Ulcinjske maslinade i uvale Valdanos" je NVO Dr. Martin Schneider-Jacoby Association – MSJA, a za samu izradu dokumenta je bio zadužen tim str...
U februaru 2024. Expeditio je pripremio "policy paper" pod nazivom "GRAĐANI/KE O UNAPREĐENJU JAVNOG PREVOZA NA TERITORIJI KOTORA - Predlog politika za poboljšanje javnog gradskog prevoza na području o...
U novembru 2023. Expeditio je pripremio "policy paper" pod nazivom "REAGOVANJA GRAĐANA/KI NA PROSTORNE DEVASTACIJE U CRNOJ GORI - Predlog politika za unapređenje saradnje građana/ki i inspekcijskih sl...
U oktobru 2023. Expeditio je pripremio "policy paper" pod nazivom PARTICIPACIJA GRAĐANA/KI U PLANIRANJU PROSTORA CRNE GORE - Predlog politika za unapređenje učešća građana/ki u procesima izrade p...
Sa zadovoljstvom Vam predstavljamo publikaciju Istraživanja “Organizacije u oblasti kulturne baštine u Crnoj Gori: analiza stanja, potreba i uslova za razvoj” koje je nastalo je u okviru istoimenog pr...
Sa velikim zadovoljstvom, u okviru dječije nedjelje, predstavljamo Vam Priručnik „Školska bašta kao integralna učionica” nastao kao završna aktivnost projekta ClimCity koji zajednički sprovode NVO Exp...
Sa zadovoljnstvom vas obaviještavamo da je, u okviru ClimCity projekta, iz štampe izašlo drugo izdanje Vodiča za nastavnike/ce ‒ Međupredmetna tema Vrednovanje i planiranje prostora ‒ održivi gradovi ...
Objavljena je studija "Ugrožena baština - Uticaj sistema zaštite, planiranja i upravljanja na Prirodno i kulturno-istorijsko područje Kotora". Cilj ove studije je da se na jednom mjestu ponovo predsta...
Knjiga SPACES OF COMMONING: URBAN COMMONS IN THE EX-YU REGION, se bavi uslovima u kojima nastaju i funkcionišu urbana zajednička dobra u Srbiji, Kosovu i Crnoj Gori. Ovu knjigu je u septemb...
Publikacija i mapa "Prirodno i kulturno-istorijsko područje Kotora na Listi svjetske baštine UNESCO-a" su nastale s ciljem da se predstave osnovne karakteristike, vrijednosti i značaj P...
U okviru projekta “PUTEVIMA BAŠTINE – potencijali kulturne baštine za kreiranje kulturnih ruta Crne Gore” objavljeno je pet knjiga koje predstavljaju početak edicije "Kulturne rute Crne Gore". Ed...
U okviru projekta „Obnova tradicionalnog poljoprivrednog pejzaža za održivu poljoprivredu – AGRISCAPE&ME” urađena je brošura „Tradicionalni poljoprivredni pejzaži“.
EVROPSKA POVELJA o participativnoj demokratiji u procesima prostornog planiranja prevedena je kao dio projekta STRONGO. Izdavači prevoda Deklaracije su Kulturno-zavičajno udruženje “Napredak” Gornja L...
DEKLARACIJA IZ DAVOSA 2018. (Ka ostvarivanju koncepta Baukultur (kulture građenja) visokog kvaliteta u Evropi) prevedena je kao dio projekta STRONGO. Izdavači prevoda Deklaracije su Kulturno-zavičajno...
U okviru projekta ACT4CITY, tokom 20 mjeseci organizovane su fokus grupe sa predstavnicima i predstavnicama nezavisnih scena Crne Gore, Makedonije, Srbije i Hrvatske, potom okrugi stolovi sa različiti...
Održivost prostora, kulturnih izraza, gradova, sektora, prostora i čitavih društava sve češće se sreće kao tema i na našim prostorima. Projekat Act4City bavio se upravo pitanjem angažovanja i uloge ne...
Publication Traditional wooden windows in Boka Kotorska and their restoration has resulted from the project Traditional materials and building techniques in Boka Kotorska – Improving knowledge and ski...
Publication KoTo(R) o KOTORU has resulted from the process of creation of the theatre play of the same name, carried out by the community theatre “Theatre about Kotor”, in which the citizens of Kotor ...
Here you can view an illustrated online summary review of Expeditio projects in pdf format. This brochure represents different activities carried out by Expeditio from 1997 until today. Ther...
"Manual on protection, planning and management of heritage" summarises the experiences and knowledge gained during the project “Heritage – Driver of Development”. It aims at furthering the heritage is...
Vrmac hill is a peninsula that separates the Bays of Kotor and Tivat, and whose territory is administratively governed by both the Municipalities of Tivat and Kotor. Part of Vrmac belonging to the Mun...
Vrmac hill is a peninsula that separates the Bays of Kotor and Tivat, and whose territory is administratively governed by both the Municipalities of Tivat and Kotor. Part of Vrmac belonging to the Mun...
Vrmac hill is a peninsula that separates the Bays of Kotor and Tivat, and whose territory is administratively governed by both the Municipalities of Tivat and Kotor. Part of Vrmac belonging to the Mun...
Vrmac hill is a peninsula that separates Bays of Kotor and Tivat, and whose territory is administrativly governed by the Municipality of Tivat and Municipality of Kotor. Part of Vrmac which ...
Vrmac hill is a peninsula that separates the Bays of Kotor and Tivat, and whose territory is administratively governed by both the Municipalities of Tivat and Kotor. Part of Vrmac belonging to the Mun...
"Manual on protection, planning and management of heritage" summarises the experiences and knowledge gained during the project “Heritage – Driver of Development”. It aims at furthering the heritage is...
Within the project "Heritage - Driver of Development", project partners have translated and published a document The Charter of European Planning - approved by the General Assembly of Barcelona o...
Within the project "Heritage-Driver of Development", brochure and map named KRAJODRAZI were issued a few days ago. Map and brochure are intended as educational and promotional material on the sub...
Architectural researches of the former French Embassy Building in Cetinje were carried out with the aim to create, through the architectural analysis, necessary technical basis for further proces...
"A Contribution from Cultural and Creative actors to citizens' empowerment" is the publication developed as the result of ECLECTIS - European Citizens' Laboratories for Empowerment: CiTIes Shared, the...
Recently is published "Heritage for Development in South East Europe - New visions and perceptions of heritage through the Ljubljana Process". The author of the chapter regarding the cultural heritage...
"Urban furniture in public spaces of Boka Kotorska - Analysis of the examples of good furnishing of public spaces, with recommendations for urban furniture of Boka Kotorska", was created as a res...
The publication ”Guidelines for the Revival of Public Spaces – Good practice selection”, in Montenegrin language, contains a selection of translated texts presenting good practice examples relat...
"Future We Want" is a translation of the Final Document of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development Rio +20 - The Future We Want. This document was adopted in July 2012.
Publication "Revival of City Squares in Balkan Cities - Contribution to cultural and civic participative policies for livable city squares and public spaces" was accomplished using archive material of...
“The Catalogue of Public Spaces in Boka Kotorska” contains information on 83 sites identified during the process of mapping of public spaces in Boka Kotorska. The mapping was conduced by EXPEDITIO as ...
We want to inform you that the publication “Prokletije/Bjeshkët e Nëmuna - Biodiversity and Cultural Heritage” has been released. It is produced within the project “Environment for People in the Dinar...
The research “Cultural Practices of Citizens in Boka Kotorska“ has been realized within the process of creation of draft Local Programmes for the Development of Culture in the three municipalities of ...
Publication "Planning guidelines that lead to sustainable spatial development" has been published as a part of the project "EKOPlan - Monitoring the application of the principles of sustainable sp...
As the closing activity withinSostenuto project, Expeditio has published a publication “Appendices for the Program for the Development of Culture of the Municipality of Kotor 2012-2016”. The book...
Establishing a proactive, responsible citizenry and fostering citizens’ participation in Europeanpolicy-making is easiest activated on local level. Policies developed and implemented on local level co...
The electronic publication „Benefit Living” was made available as a part of the same project. It is intended for those who want to be informed, understand, and implement the modern construction and sp...
Research: "Gender awareness in the field of spatial planning in Montenegro" aims to examine the extent to which planning in Montenegro is gender-sensitive and how it can improve the current planning p...
When we start talking about the integration of gender equality into planning processes, we usually receive a comment: “We plan for all people”. This, in translation, should mean that planning is...
The second, supplemented edition of the publication “Palaces of Boka Kotorska” in Montenegrin language has just been released. The publication “Palaces of Boka Kotorska” presents, in one place, all th...
In the period September 2009-March 2010, Expeditio conducted a research focusing on the topic “Cultural Needs of Youth in Boka Kotorska“. The project was funded by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and ...
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead, anthropologist
Izdvajamo projekte u oblasti održive gradnje
Portal: zelenagradnja.me Portal zelenagradnja.me namijenjen je arhitektima, srodnim inženjerskim strukama i svima vama koji se zalažete za održivi prostorni razvoj. Portal će vam pomoći da unaprijedite svoja znanja o "zelenoj" gradnji uz sveobuhvatne informacije i savjete za kreiranje ekološki odgovornih arhitektonskih rješenja.
ENEA - Energy Efficiency Living Lab Suočavanje sa izazovima nedovoljne energetske efikasnosti u sektoru građevinarstva kroz podsticanje razmjene znanja među akterima iz Italije, Albanije i Crne Gore.
PREFAB Ø ENERGY Razmjena znanja radi unapređenja proizvoda i usluga u oblasti energetski efikasne prefabrikovane gradnje
Benefit Living GRADIMO savremene, energetski efikasne i ekonomski isplative kuće u Crnoj Gori