solila naslovna strana engThe book “The Cultural Landscape of Tivat Saline” was created as part of the project titled “TIVAT SALINE – Presentation of an Exceptional Cultural Landscape,” supported by the Tourism Organization of the Municipality of Tivat with funds secured through the Public Call for participation in the allocation of funds for the selection of a project for the valorization of cultural heritage related to archaeological research, conservation and restoration works, reconstruction, and promotion of cultural assets in the Municipality of Tivat.

The book “The Cultural Landscape of Tivat Saline” was created as part of the project titled “TIVAT SALINE – Presentation of an Exceptional Cultural Landscape,” supported by the Tourism Organization of the Municipality of Tivat with funds secured through a public tender in 2023.

The idea for this project arose from the recognized need to better inform the local community and visitors about the characteristics and values of the outstanding site of Tivat Saline, which is protected as a special nature reserve due to its natural values, but also possesses significant cultural and historical values and represents an important segment of the cultural heritage of the Bay of Kotor.

The idea for this project arose from the recognized need to better inform the local community and visitors about the characteristics and values of the outstanding site of Tivat Saline, which is protected as a special nature reserve due to its natural values, but also possesses significant cultural and historical values and represents an important segment of the cultural heritage of the Bay of Kotor.

The foundation for writing the book was the “Study on the Protection of Cultural Heritage in the Special Reserve of Tivat Saline,” created by Expeditio architects Ltd. in 2017, commissioned by the Public Enterprise for Coastal Zone Management of Montenegro. The Study identified the main elements and values of the cultural heritage of Tivat Saline and provided guidelines for protecting this site as a special type of cultural asset – a cultural landscape, which represents a combined work of nature and of man. 

This book presents the results of research conducted during the preparation of the study, and additionally, through the process of preparing the book itself, based on available materials. Certainly, more detailed research is necessary in the future, including, among other things, detailed recordings of segments of the old medieval saltworks as well as archaeological and architectural research. All of this would surely contribute to a better understanding and appreciation of this complex and significant area, which we sincerely hope for. This book is one step towards highlighting the values and significance of the Saline and its promotion. 

The book “The Cultural Landscape of Tivat Saline” is intended for the general public, local residents, and visitors, for all who wish to deepen their knowledge of cultural heritage or become acquainted with it. We are confident that this book will contribute to the promotion and presentation of Tivat Saline and enable everyone to gain a better understanding of the history and development, as well as the values and significance, of the cultural landscape of this unique site. 


The publication of this book was supported through the project titled “Tivat Saline - Presentation of an Outstanding Cultural Landscape,” financed by the Tourist Organization of the Municipality of Tivat, through the Public Call for participation in the allocation of funds for the selection of a project for the valorization of cultural heritage related to archaeological research, conservation and restoration works, reconstruction, and promotion of cultural assets in the Municipality of Tivat.

We owe our gratitude to everyone who assisted us in the creation of the “Study on the Protection of Cultural Heritage in the Special Reserve Tivat Saline” and this book.

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