1. Better Buildings, published by European Commission, Directorate-General for Energy and Transport, B-1049 Brisel
2. Energy Performance of Buildings, Directive 2002/91/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2002 on the energy performance of buildings
ODRZIVA GRADNJA – Evropska dokumenta iz oblasti održivog prostornog razvoja|prevod| (1.09 MB)
3. Charter of European Cities and Towns Towards Sustainability (The Aalborg Charter), Denmark, 1994
4. Ljubljana declaration on the territorial dimension of sustainable development, CEMAT 2003
Publishing of "SUSTAINABLE BUILDING – European documents in the field of sustainable spatial development" is the final activity within the campaign "Look Around – Think about Space!" which was initiated by EXPEDITIO in April 2005 (in the duration of 18 months), and funded by the EU through the European Agency for Reconstruction office in Podgorica.
The publication can be obtained for free at the following addresses:
- in Kotor – EXPEDITIO, Skaljari, Zgrada Scekica, telephone: 082 302 520
- in Belgrade – OD-DO STUDIO, 29. novembra 7 Beograd, telephone : 011 322 68 76