The booklet “LFA-Logical Framework Approach, an objective-oriented planning tool” is a part of a project BETTER PREPARED FOR EUROPEAN FUNDS – Strengthening capacity of local governments and non-governmental organizations in Montenegro for projects writing and managing grants from the EU funds.
The project has been designed and conducted by the non-governmental organization EXPEDITIO from Kotor, in partnership with the Municipality of Kotor and aims at strengthening capacity of local governments in Boka Kotorska for projects writing and managing grants from the EU funds. The project will be realized during 2007 and is financed within PHILIA – Association of Multiethnic Cities of Southeast Europe programme.
The booklet was first published in Serbian language by TIM TRI from Belgrade and it is by their courtesy that we obtained the permission to adapt it to Montenegrin language and print it in Montenegro. We convey our cordial thanks to TIM TRI.