The documentary play “KoTo(R) o Kotoru”, directed by Petar Pejaković and produced by NGO Expeditio from Kotor, was performed at two Montenegrin theatre festivals during the summer of 2017:
KOLAŠIN: Wednesday, 26 July 2017 at 8 p.m. – at the Cultural Centre Kolašin, during “Korifej” International Theatre Festival
BUDVA: Sunday, 30 July 2017 at 9.30 p.m. – in the Square between the churches in the Old Town, within Budva Theatre City Festival
The play is acted by the citizens of Kotor, who are at the same time the authors of the script. Since its premiere on 20 June 2016 the play have been performed for five times in Kotor, then in the KIC – Cultural-Information Centre “Budo Tomović” in Podgorica, during FIAT Festival – Festival of International Alternative Theatre, at the Royal Theatre “Zetski dom” in Cetinje, at the Cultural Centre Tivat and Lazareti in Dubrovnik.
Additional information about the play, its reviews, photographs, press-clippings, etc. can be found here or at the links blow:
- Publikacija KoTo(R) o KOTORU
- Uzbudljivo i potresno o građanskoj (ne)svijesti (pozorišni prikaz) Aleksandar Milosavljević
- Pozorište, hram ideja i dobrih namjera, Marta Pasković
- Blistavo i strašno, Mara Radović
- Šta se krije iza laži, Ana Tasić
- Utisci publike nakon premijere predstave KoTo(R) o KOTORU 20.juna 2016.
- Utisci publike nakon drugog izvodjenja predstave 18.jula 2016.
- Petar Pejaković u Vijestima o predstavi KoTo(R) o KOTORU
- Kolumna Božene Jelušić u Vijestima: "Kotor i Vještica"
- Prilog u Vijestima: "Osvješćivanje kroz umjetničke intervencije"
- Žurnal Pozorišta o Kotoru #1
- Žurnal Pozorišta o Kotoru #2
- Žurnal Pozorišta o Kotoru #3
The trailer of the play can be viewed on Youtube
A video announcing the play can be viewed HERE
ACT4CITY is funded by Balkan Arts and Culture Fund BAC. BAC is supported by the Swiss Government through the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the European Cultural Foundation (EFC).