Different aspects of the Draft Spatial Plan have been considered by the following NGOs:
- MANS, Podgorica
- Green Home, Podgorica
- Centre for protection and study of birds
- Breznica, Pljevlja
- Expeditio, Kotor
- Monitoring Group Ulcinj – MOGUL
- Natura, Kolasin
Place: Kotor, Podgorica
Participants: Project conducted in partnership
Result: In the process of monitoring EXPEDITIO will focus on:
• testing Compatibility of the draft spatial plan with ESDP /European Spatial Development Perspective/ - EU document in the field of spatial planning
• testing Compatibility of the draft spatial plan with the National Strategy of Sustainable Development (NSSD)
• how the plan treats cultural heritage and cultural landscape
Donors: UNDP
Funds awarded to EXPEDITIO: 4.000,00 €
Duration: 2 months (the end of 2006)