A round table on “Presentation of the Draft Toolkit for Terms of reference preparation for the development of local planning document and the Draft Guidelines for the implementation of strategic environmental impact assessment in the drafting of local planning documents” was organized by the Union of Municipalities of Montenegro and the OSCE Mission to Montenegro in Podgorica on 23 July 2015. Representative of Expeditio, Biljana Gligoric, participated at this event as a member of the working group.
The Toolkit is prepared to support continuous improvement of the local government bodies capacities to define the needs that should be implemented in order to create local policy development and protecting the public interest through spatial planning. The Guidelines should provide practical information for the implementation of strategic environmental assessment in preparation of local planning document, as well as to point out the correlation and mutual influence of these two procedures aimed at sustainable planning based on the healthy environment principles.
More information find at: http://www.uom.co.me/en/?p=1751