Meeting of the Working Group for the preparation of the Manual for terms of reference for local planning document development, organized by the Union of Municipalities of Montenegro and with the support of the OSCE Mission in Montenegro, was held on April 20-21st, 2015 in Budva. This meeting was attended by EXPEDITIO representative, Biljana Gligoric, who is member of this Working Group.
Introdictory presentation on the objective of the meeting had Svetlana Lausevic, representative of the OSCE Mission in Montenegro and Oliver Markovic, president of the Working Group. On the first day of the meeting Ksenija Vukmanovic presented a working version of the Manual for terms of reference for local planning document development, while the second day of the meeting, Ms. Lazarela Kalezic, expert, presented the working version of the Guide for the implementation of the strategic assessment of environmental impact.
Working Group meeting agenda can be seen here.