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Research of cultural needs and habits of young people living in the municipality of Herceg Novi was realized by YCC Herceg Novi (OKC Herceg Novi ). The study included 179 young people, and they have been involved within two types of activities: 

I - Interviewing students from Secondary Mixed School "Ivan Goran Kovacic" in Herceg Novi 

II - Street action "I am from Herceg Novi. In Herceg Novi I want to .... "

I - Interviewing students from Secondary Mixed School "Ivan Goran Kovacic" in Herceg Novi

The questionnaire titled "Research of cultural needs of young people in Herceg Novi" was completed by the 94 young students from Secondary Mixed School "Ivan Goran Kovacic" in Herceg Novi. 

Most young, 72 of them, assessed their standard of living as average. Only five of them were satisfied with cultural and entertainment offer in Herceg Novi, while about 40% of the total number of young people is fairly or completely dissatisfied. In Herceg Novi, 57% of the examined youth rarely or never visit theater performances; more than 66% rarely or never go to listen jazz and rock music bands performances, and more than 60% rarely or not follow developments in the electronic music scene. One person often reads fiction and other literary directions, while 12 of them consider to read often. Books quoted as last read mostly belong to the school (mandatory) reading.

II - Street action "I am from Herceg Novi. In Herceg Novi I want to..."

Street action "I am from Herceg Novi. In Herceg Novi I want to .... "was organized on 6/24/2014, at the public spaces in Herceg Novi - Skver, promenade "Pet Danica", beaches, tunnel .... The action was attended by 85 young people. 

The idea was that young people complete the sentence "I am from Herceg Novi. In Herceg Novi I want to... "ie, to write what it that they want to happen in Herceg Novi in terms of cultural, entertainment and artistic content. 

The youth were allowed to formulate their own answers freely, so that they move from generalized responses such as (in Herceg Novi I want to ... "bring back the culture", "be every summer", "live", "rise people's awareness", ...), to the answers concerning the editorial policy of the city ("give a chance to young people to show their talents", "take more care about cultural events, including sports","more cultural events, more investments, that is cleaner","pay more attention to young people and to repair traffic lights","city and competent in it primarily devote more attention to the talents which are many in our city, but because of politics, young talents have "concerts" in tunnel for passersby baksheesh. Is there, except the party rooms, a place where young talent can play and sing?","invest more money in the cultural and artistic programs", "better organization of the events ", "Herceg Novi is building instead of Budva ", "Municipality assist YCC (because YCC is what this city needs)") and finally answers that represent concrete proposals and that affect mainly the organization of musical events.

EXPEDITIO is a non-governmental organization whose mission is to encourage sustainable spatial development in Montenegro and SEE region through activity in the fields of sustainable architecture, cultural heritage, urban planning and through projects that encourage overall development of the civil society. Expeditio was established in 1997.

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