We kindely ask inteested organizations to read the e-mail below and send proposals for member in Council no later than Monday July 7th of 2014.
Data from the CV should be submitted, noting that the proposed member should be in the sphere of professional or scientific work dealing with issues of importance to the protection, conservation, improvement and sustainable use, planning and management of natural, cultural and historical values of Kotor. Resumes should be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Center for Sustainable Spatial Development
Kotor ~ Montenegro
tel. 00382 32 302 520
fax. 00382 32 302 521
Milica Martic <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
Dear All,
Montenegrin Parliament, at its session held on November 20th 2013, has adopted the Law on the protection of natural, cultural and historical region of Kotor ("Official Gazette of Montenegro", No. 56/13), which regulates the protection, management and special measures to conserve natural cultural and historical area of Kotor, which is as natural and cultural heritage inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
Kotor region is managed, in accordance with Article 8 of the said Law, in accordance with the management plan of Kotor, which adopts the Government of Montenegro. In order to coordinate the exercise of the protection, conservation and management, the Government of Montenegro will form a Council for managing the region of Kotor.
In accordance to Article 9 of the Law on the protection of natural, cultural and historical region of Kotor, the Council for the management of Kotor region has a chairman and ten members, one member proposed by the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism, Directorate for the Protection of Cultural Property, National Commission for cooperation with UNESCO, non-governmental organizations dealing with the protection and preservation of Kotor, as well as five members nominated by the Municipality of Kotor. The President of the Council is the President of the Municipality of Kotor, by position.
Jurisdiction of the Council for the management of Kotor region is to, in accordance with Article 10 of the said Law: promote the importance of universal natural and cultural values of the region of Kotor, as world heritage site; coordinate the preparation, revision and implementation of the management plan; initiate and monitor the implementation of projects and activities that are designed by management plan; give opinion on initiatives, programs, projects and planning documents related to the region of Kotor and its protected environment, in order to bring them in line with the management plan; encourages and directs the implementation of activities and projects that contribute to improving the protection, preservation and development of the area of Kotor; monitor the status of Kotor and require, from entity referred to in Article 7 of the Law, appropriate measures within their authority; preparing an annual report on the implementation of management plans and state of Kotor.
Council works in sessions, which are held as needed, but at least once a month, and the operation of the Council shall be governed by the rules of the Council (Article 11 of the Law). Administrative and technical support for the Council is managed by the authority of local government of the Municipality of Kotor responsible for the protection of natural and cultural heritage, in accordance with Article 12 of the Law.
In accordance with Article 13 of the said Law, the President and members of the Council shall be entitled to compensation for work in the Council and reimbursement of expenses in connection with the work of the Council (travel expenses, per diem and lodging), in accordance with the regulations of the Government. These amounts are provided by the entities by whose proposal was appointed member of the Council.
The Council is obliged to, by March 1st of the current year, submit an annual report to the Government on the implementation of Management Plan and state of Kotor (Article 15 of the Law). Also, it is required to perform the monitoring of the implementation of corrective and remedial measures to implement legal entity that by performing work or other activities devastates the cultural and natural landscape area of Kotor, a report on the implementation of corrective and remedial measures is an integral part of the annual report (Article 17 of the Law ).
Keeping this in mind, the Ministry of Culture in accordance with Article 9 of the Regulation on the manner and procedure for cooperation between the bodies of state administration and non-governmental organizations ("Official Gazette of Montenegro", No. 7/12) announced the Public invitation to NGOs, and after the legal deadline for proposals, finding that there was no sign on the same (Public call and Notification are attached herewith), hereby ask you that the Ministry of Culture, in order to consolidate the proposal, which will be processed by the Government of Montenegro to further proceedings in accordance with Article 9 of the Law on protection of natural and cultural-historical region of Kotor; submit a proposal of a member for the future Council for the management of Kotor region.
Please note that it is necessary to submit the data from CV, noting that the proposed member should be in the sphere of professional or scientific work dealing with issues of importance to the protection, conservation, improvement and sustainable use, planning and management of natural, cultural and historical values of Kotor.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Milica Martic, the Ministry of Culture of Montenegro