DIWANIEH is an open, free and critical platform for debate. The platform utilizes the streets of Jordan as a venue for the debates in order to create a feeling of familiarity among attendees and to maximize dissemination. The initiative encourages Jordanian youth to frequently organize heated debates that take place in public arenas such as parks, archaeological sites, roundabouts, abandoned lands and what follows and other high capacity venues, during which localized pressing issues and contentious sociopolitical issues are deliberated in order to revive and take full advantage of underutilized public spaces in Jordan.
LoTs Last Diwanieh was conducted in Wadi Mousa Governorate on Saturday; 29.03.2014 in front of Petra entrance. Under the motion "Do Petra Authorities have a positive effect on their region?" corresponding with the theme of ‘’Petra Region Authority Tourism Development’’, in front of Petra entrance. Speakers; Dr. Mohammed Alnawafleh, and the Petra Commissioner and Deputy Head Dr. Imad Hijazeen .On the other hand, Mr. Ali Raja Nasarat and Mr. Khadr Alnawafleh spoke against the motion whilst of the founder initiative Dr. Sami Al-Hourani was the moderator of the debate. More than 500 people attended the debate.
Reviving public spaces project focuses on utilizing the public space to turn it into something else by utilizing it and creating change within the environment and members of the society. Leaders of tomorrow youth initiatives focuses mainly on Reviving public spaces project and activities provides comparative perspective on Social change in communities, framing cultures and mobilizing people. The project also helps shedding light on community behavior and practices, by giving out solutions and actual implementation of creative developing interventions. In addition to promoting cooperation that occurred between community members who influenced positive behavior in their surroundings and allowed positive behavior and practices to flourish, such as preserving their area and coming up with creative solutions for future development purposes.