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LoTs Mo7aka event was held on the 31 of May 2014, in Dana Nature Reserve, in al Tafila governorate. Mo7aka is a unique initiative run by Leaders of Tomorrow organization. It involves the execution of special training workshops during which youth are exposed to a variety of role playing and simulation activities.  A group of young females and males were projected to a selection of activities run by Dr. Sami hourani on the topic of Gender, Equality and Women rights in the Jordanian Society. Participants came from all around the kingdom to participate in this initiative; such as Mafraq, Tafila, Amman, Zarqa, and Ma’an. These games are being presented to raise awareness on human rights issues, and having the chance for females and males to exchange their ideas and opinions.

Participants were divided into 4 groups and worked on executing; writing and acting out written scenarios were each scenario tackles a different societal issue that women in our society are suffering from. Most of the Scenarios discussed the bureaucracy within families, the overpowering authority of male figures, Indecisive mothers, Forcing decisions, women rights, Literacy and University life and obstacles.  These four groups executed four different scenarios that were filmed by professional filmmakers.  After each scenario a group discussion was formed by the actors and the moderator of the discussion Dr. Sami Hourani . Topics circulated about gender issues and prejudice, in addition to mixing up religious beliefs with morals and traditions.

Reviving public spaces project focuses on utilizing the public space to turn it into something else by utilizing it and creating  change within the environment and members of the society. Leaders of tomorrow youth initiatives focuses mainly on Reviving public spaces project and activities provides comparative perspective on Social change in communities, framing cultures and mobilizing people. The project also helps shedding light on community behavior and practices, by giving out solutions and actual implementation of creative developing interventions. In addition to promoting cooperation that occurred between community members who influenced positive behavior in their surroundings and allowed positive behavior and practices to flourish, such as preserving their area and coming up with creative solutions for future development purposes.

EXPEDITIO is a non-governmental organization whose mission is to encourage sustainable spatial development in Montenegro and SEE region through activity in the fields of sustainable architecture, cultural heritage, urban planning and through projects that encourage overall development of the civil society. Expeditio was established in 1997.

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