Committee on Economics, Finance and Budget, at the 45th session held on February 24th 2014, decided that consultative examination (debate) on the theme: "EFFECTIVE USE OF ENERGIE, SITUATION IN MONTENEGRO WITH REFERENCE TO THE DRAFT LAW ON EFFICIENT USE OF ENERGY" will be held on March 24th (Monday) 2014, in the building of the Montenegro Parlament at 10:00 am (blue room).
The Committee decided to invite the following representatives to the session: from the Ministry of Economy, the German Organization for International Cooperation (Glz), Montenegrin Chamber of Commerce, Union of Employers of Montenegro, from non-governmental organizations: Gradska alijansa; Montenegrin Center for Energy Efficiency; Expeditio; Center for Research and Policy Development (CRPM) and Green home. On behalf of EXPEDITIO, the session was attended by Biljana Gligoric.
The Committee noted that, in comparison to the previous period, there was a shift in the above areas and that most of the Law on Energy Efficiency planned bylaws are adopted. However, the public awareness about energy efficiency and expenditure of energy is not at the required level, because the entities responsible are inconsistently appliing valid Law on Energy Efficiency. It was pointed out that the increase of energy efficiancy is obligation of all state and local authorities which requires the adoption of plans and programs at the local level, as well. In particular, the necessity of monitoring the implementation of the Law in relation to the appointed objectives is specifically indicated.
The news taken from the web site: http://www.skupstina.me/index.php/me/odbor-za-ekonomiju-finansije-i-budzet/aktuelnosti/item/2104-odrzana-49-i-zapoceta-50-sednica-odbora-za-ekonomiju-finansije-i-budzet