On the occasion of Energy Efficiency World Day , in the multimedia hall of the Municipality of Tivat, yesterday , March 5th, 2014, was organized a Conference on energy efficiency. Participation at the conference had Expeditio representative Biljana Gligoric .
The event, that organized the Municipality of Tivat - energy manager and a Local team for improving energy efficiency with the support of the Green Team, brought together a large number of experts in this field and interested citizens, including high school students, which is estimated as the special quality of today's conference .
Opening statement, referring to the importance of energy savings derived from classical sources and numerous benefits of using renewable energy sources, was given by the Energy Manager of the Municipality, Petar Vujovic, who commented on the significant steps being taken in this regard in our municipality.
The first part of the conference was reserved for lectures and presentations. In the behalf of Ministry of the economy, Dragica Sekulic, General Manager of Sector for Energy Efficiency, presented the legal framework in order to increase energy efficiency in Montenegro in terms of applicable legislation and regulations, as well as documents whose adoption is in progress, such as a new law on efficient use of energy.
Participation in the conference, in addition to representative of Expeditio, took the Centre for Sustainable Development UNDP in Podgorica representative Dragan Cenic, Tonko Luksic and a representative of the Green Team of Municipality of Tivat, Goran Kovacevic from PRONA - Montenegrin foundation for the development of science.
News taken from the web page: