A representative of Expeditio participated in the Round table “Civic initiatives for management of public spaces in the region” which took place in Banja Luka. The Round table was organized by Center for environment (Centar za životnu sredinu - http://czzs.org) within the initiative entitled “Our space.”
During the round table a number of organizations presented their initiatives and activities related to public spaces. These include: CRVENA (RED) - Sarajevo, Ministrastvo prostora (Ministry of space) - Belgrade, Expeditio - Kotor/Belgrade, Zelena Istra (Green Istra) - Pula, Vozi ulice (Ride the streets) - Šabac and Centar za životnu sredinu (Center for environment) - Banja Luka.
The aim of this round table was to share with citizens the experiences of the organizations from the region which are active in the area of public spaces and which advocate an increased public involvement in creating and utilizing public spaces. Experiences, challenges and - most importantly - ideas for improvement of the current situation were exchanged.
The Round table “Civic initiatives for management of public spaces in the region” was the last activity within the project “Public space as public good” implemented by Center for environment and supported by Heinrich Böll Stiftung.