The project “Heritage – Driver of Development, Dubrovnik and Boka Kotorska region – joint cross border activities in applying new methodologies in natural and cultural heritage protection and management” begun in March 2013
The project “Heritage – Driver of Development” is implemented within Cross-Border Programme Croatia-Montenegro, under the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA), Component II and Measure 1.1: Joint actions for environment, nature and cultural heritage protection.
The overall objective of the project is contribution to establishing cooperation between institutions in charge of natural and cultural heritage protection through implementing joint programs, education, know-how transfer and awareness raising activities.
The specific objective the project aims to achieve is improving collaboration between actors dealing with protection, planning and management of natural and cultural heritage through joint activities in applying new methodologies in the cross-border area of Dubrovnik and Boka Kotorska. The project also aims to enlarge professionals’ knowledge and increase citizens’ awareness of how heritage can be used as a driver of development.
The project leading partners are the Municipality of Tivat in Montenegro and the Physical Planning Institute of Dubrovnik-Neretva County in Croatia. The functional lead partner is the Municipality of Tivat.
The project partners are non-governmental organizations EXPEDITIO Center for Sustainable Spatial Development and Cultural Heritage Association NAPREDAK Gornja Lastva in Montenegro; and Dubrovnik Neretva County Regional Development Agency DUNEA and Public Institution for the Management of Protected Natural Values in the Dubrovnik-Neretva County in Croatia.
The project associates in Montenegro are Administration for Cultural Properties Protection of Montenegro, Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism of Montenegro and South East European (SEE) Heritage Network, while the Croatian associates are Conservation Department in Dubrovnik for the area of the Dubrovnik-Neretva County, Croatian Section of ECOVAST – European Council for the Village and the Small Town and Institution Priority Actions Programme Regional Activity Centre Split of a Mediterranean Action Plan in Split.
The project will last 23 months. Its total budget is 554.983,26 €, out of which 293,945.05 € is intended for the activities in Montenegro and 261,038.21 € for the activities in Croatia.
The main activities of the project include:
- Organizing trainings for the representatives of professional services from Croatia and Montenegro dealing with protection, planning and management of natural and cultural heritage: Training on landscape assessment and the application of new methodologies in the protection ad management of natural for cultural landscape assessment; Training on software analysis of landscape
- Organizing a study visit to France for cultural and natural heritage actors from Dubrovnik and Boka Kotorska region in order to get acquainted with the examples of good practice in protection and management of cultural and natural heritage
- Developing studies: Comparative study and recommendations for improving a legislative framework for the protection and management of natural and cultural heritage in the cross-border region; Studies of natural and cultural landscape in pilot areas of the cross-border region and Studies for the economic valorisation of natural and cultural heritage in pilot areas of the cross-border region
- Producing a manual on applying new methodologies in protection and management of natural and cultural heritage
- Organizing a campaign ”Landscape Days” in Croatia and Montenegro
- Producing and distributing joint educational-promotional material on natural and cultural heritage in Dubrovnik and Boka Kotorska region
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The project “Heritage – Driver of Development” is implemented within Cross-border programme Croatia-Montenegro, under the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA), Component II.