Comments to the Strategic Environmental Assessment report on Vrmac
-Kamelija – Stoliv, Stoliv
-Evropski dom – Tivat, Tivat
-Expeditio, Centre for Sustainable Spatial Development
Podgorica, Vijesti - Vlada Crne Gore povukla je iz skupštinske procedure Prostorni plan nakon komentara koji su na taj izuzetno znacajan dokument stigli iz sjedišta Evropske komisije iz Brisela, potvrdeno je "Vijestima" iz Vlade. Prema nezvanicnim informacijama, komentari eksperata Evropske komsije(EK) stigli su u Podgoricu prošlog petka, dok je Vlada odlucila da Prostorni plan povuce u ponedjeljak.
RADIONICA- PLANIRANJE KROZ UČEŠĆE ZAJEDNICE za predstavnike/ce nevladinih organzacija i institucija, odrzana je 11-12 jula 2005. u hotelu "GRAND" na Cetinju u organizaciji QLF / Atlantic Center for the Environment, USA. Lokalni partneri u organizovanju radionice bili su EXPEDITIO i REC (Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe-kancelarija u Podgorici)
EXPEDITIO is a non-governmental organization whose mission is to encourage sustainable spatial development in Montenegro and SEE region through activity in the fields of sustainable architecture, cultural heritage, urban planning and through projects that encourage overall development of the civil society. Expeditio was established in 1997.
Here you can see Expeditio references.
Short TV programs on the theme of sustainable spatial development in Montenegro MY CITY - MY HOME:
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.
Margaret Mead, anthropologist
Portal: ENEA - Energy Efficiency Living Lab PREFAB Ø ENERGY |
Benefit Living |
Dani energije u Crnoj Gori |
Gradimo ekološki - gradimo sa prirodom Seminar: Održiva gradnja u Crnoj Gori, Cetinje Upravljanje prostorom - promocija EU strandarda |
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