From 2-4 July 2007 in Macedonia a third meeting of cultural heritage NGOs working in the South-East European region, members of the SEE Heritage Network was held. The meeting was attended by the representatives of 12 NGOs: Albanian National Trust and MJAFT! Movement from Albania; Cultural Heritage without Borders, Regional Office from Bosnia Herzegovina; EC MA NDRYSHE from Kosovo; FOSIM (Foundation Open Society Institute Macedonia) from Macedonia;, EXPEDITIO - Center for Sustainable Spatial Development and Notar - Center for Preservation and Promotion of Kotor Documentary Heritage from Montenegro; and Association for Rehabilitation of Cultural Heritage ARCH and Civic Association SUBURBIUM from Serbia, including three new organization that joined the network: Butrint Foundation from Albania, Center for Cultural Heritage Projektor from Montenegro and Europa Nostra Serbia from Serbia.
The goal of this meeting was to discuss how these organizations, through the further development of the network, could jointly contribute to the preservation and promotion of the region’s rich cultural heritage as a tool for sustainable and responsible development.