Montenegro on Twitter - get involved in the changes
Through Twitter account @ cgtvituje citizens will be able to directly engage and communicate within Montenegro and to be the voice of Montenegro in the region.
Center for Democratic Transition (CDT) and the Programme office of the United Nations Development (UNDP) in Montenegro, from November 15th will, through 24 weeks, through Twitter account @ cgtvituje jointly implement the project "Montenegro on Twitter - get involved in the changes" aimed at strengthening social activism through this social network.
Twitter account @ cgtvituje is already active, and through it, in the next six months, will twit different users.
"Over account @ cgtvituje, in the next six months, twitters and the general public will have the opportunity to meet Montenegro in the way it is seen by affirmed experts from various fields, experts which are more or less known to the public. Every seven days we will have a new participant, who will inform us about his/her views in the area he/she knows, inform us what is good but what are the problems,also, and all partners will try to work together, in cooperation with institutions, and affect on problems resolution ", said Dragan Koprivica CEO of CDT.
The project "Montenegro on Twitter - get involved in the changes" was inspired by Curators of Sweden initiative. In December 2011, Sweden became the first country in the world that had an official account on Twitter surrendered into the hands of citizens. Each week a new person twit from account @ Sweeden and thus share with account followers stories and information related to Sweden. That account currently has 67,000 followers.
More on this interesting topic can be found at the following link of the Vijesti Online.