Guest appearance at TV Budva Morning show, 31/7/2015
On Friday, 31 July 2015 at 8:30h, Expeditio representative, Tatjana Rajic will have guest appearance at TV Budva Morning show.
On Friday, 31 July 2015 at 8:30h, Expeditio representative, Tatjana Rajic will have guest appearance at TV Budva Morning show.
In mid-July 2015, was held a meeting of the independent cultural scene organizations from the South East Europe countries within the Assembly of Kooperativa - Regional platform for culture. On that occasion, representative of EXPEDITIO, Tatjana Rajic, was elected for the Board member of Kooperativa, while among the organizations that participated in the meeting of independent cultural scene, our representative was Biljana Gligoric. Below you can find the news about the Adoption of a pilot model for program cooperation and exchange in the region, which was the theme of the meeting in Zagreb.
Tatjana Rajic had guest appearance in radio program "Rukohvat" on Radio Maestral from Pula, on 27.07.2015. The interview was related to ongoing activities of Expeditio, current projects and other issues concerning the work of our organization. Listen to the recording of the Tanja guest appearence.
Foundation Petrovic Njegos initiated the project "Solidarity in Action", which indicates that solidarity of the community can make life easier for its most vulnerable members. In this case, we want to invite you to join forces and help one Montenegrin family (mother, father and five children) currently living in harsh/inhumane conditions, without fixed income and without social assistance. For this family conclusion of the started work on the house is priority and it would provide safe home for the members of this household. We reffer to you with a request to help us in this metter.
A round table on “Presentation of the Draft Toolkit for Terms of reference preparation for the development of local planning document and the Draft Guidelines for the implementation of strategic environmental impact assessment in the drafting of local planning documents” was organized by the Union of Municipalities of Montenegro and the OSCE Mission to Montenegro in Podgorica on 23 July 2015. Representative of Expeditio, Biljana Gligoric, participated at this event as a member of the working group.
In Zagreb, on 15-16/7/2015, was held the fourth special, electoral Assembly of Kooperativa - Regional platform for culture. Assembly was preceded by the official meeting with the National Foundation for Civil Society Development, related to the achievement of support on the thematic fund "Democratization and Civil Society 2.0". Special meeting was also attended by a representative of EXPEDITIO, Biljana Gligoric.
We gathered the selection of Expeditio activities press clipping (300) in pdf. document. You can find it here.
More than 120 representatives of civil society organizations from all over the world, including an EXPEDITIO representative, attended the conference “The UNESCO World Heritage and the Role of Civil Society” organized by World Heritage Watch in Bonn (Germany) on the 26-27th June 2015.