
parking day web2015PARK(ing) Day is an event that is held annually around the world. On that day, the citizens, artists, students, NGOs and all interested, are converting parking lots in temporary public spaces open for all. Parking lots are activated as a place of creativity, experimentation, promotion of social values, political and cultural expression and social interaction. For the third time in Montenegro, PARK(ing) Day will be held in Kotor and for the first time in Podgorica. PARK(ing) Day in Kotor will be held in the parking lot "Riva" (in front of the Old Town), on Friday, September 18, 2015, 5:00 p.m. to 21:00 h.

gender equalityThe meeting of the Council for the implementation of the Local Action Plan for Gender Equality of the Municipality of Kotor (LAPRR) and coordinator for LAPRR was held on 8/9/2105 at the Secretariat for Culture, Sports and Social Affairs. The reason for the session was the definition of the planned budget consumption for the activities of gender equality as well as the identification of resources that would be required for the following year. This meeting was also attended by a representative of Expeditio, Tatjana Rajic, a member of LAPRR Council.

MrežaOn behalf of KOOPERATIVA-Regional Platforme for Culture Expeditio invites you to a workshop that will be held in the conference hall/lobby of the Ministry of Culture in Cetinje, Tuesday 22/9/2015 at 11-15h. This workshop will focus on DEVELOPMENT, NETWORKING AND JOINT ACTION OF THE INDEPENDENT CULTURAL SCENE IN MONTENEGRO. Believing that there is great potential in the independent scene, but also the need to develop, network and operate more efficiently, and that the National Programme for Culture 2011-2015 recognizes the importance of the independent scene for the development of a culture of Montenegro, we hope you will find time to attend the workshop in Cetinje. At the workshop we will have the opportunity to meet the positive regional experience of Kooperativa members and during the discussion share our views, ideas and thoughts on the next steps in the development of the independent scene in Montenegro.

european car free weekBy participating in PARK(ing) Day 2015 we are giving out contribution to the European MOBILITY week, 16-22.septembar. It is a campaign that encourages citizens to use more public transport, bicycles, walking paths... PARK(ing) Day will be held in the parking lot Riva in Kotor on Friday 18.09.2015., 17-21h! You are still not too late to join us.

Parking day POZIV FBPARK(ing) Day 2015 is approaching. On that day people around the world temporarily convert parking places into public spaces in the most creative ways. This year, for the third time, PARK(ing) Day will be held on Friday, September 18, 2015 from 17 to 21h, in the parking lot Riva in Kotor. If you are interested to participate, please send the completed APPLICATION FORM to the e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. no later than Friday 11/9/2015 at 17h.

kooperativaFour representatives of regional platform KOOPERATIVA, headquartered in Zagreb, will visit Montenegro on September 21-23rd 2015. Visit is organized in cooperation with Expeditio, given that Tatjana Rajic, our program manager, became recently a member of the Steering Committee of this network. The aim of the visit is to introduce members of KOOPERATIVA from Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia and Macedonia to the work and activities of the independent cultural scene in Montenegro, so that we can jointly work on it’s strengthening and further development.

mehdiMehdi Belasri, intern from France, is with us in Expeditio from September 1st till 20th. He is staying in the SEE region for five months, starting from May 2015. Past few months Mehdi spent in Serbia, assisting to the SEE Heritage Network Secretariat and after Montenegro he will continue his visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina. Mehdi studies territorial development at the University of Lille and he is interested into territorial governance, especially into the role of civil society.

Radionica biomimikrija webDear colleagues, it is a great pleasure to announce the 3rd Green Culture event ( which will take place at the Ada Bojana resort, near Ulcinj (by the restaurant Barbana), Montenegro 10-12 September 2015. On this occasion we are inviting you to register for the Biomimicry Workshop, architectural discipline with an approach to innovation that seeks sustainable solutions to human challenges by matching nature's solutions, patterns and strategies. This is a rare opportunity to have this kind of workshop in Montenegro and the region. The presenter is Richard MacCowan, Director and founder of Biomimicry UK ( 

saobracajniceWe inform you that the Report of workshop and site visit in the context of Heritage Impact Assessment - HIA on Traffic Infrastructure in UNESCO World Heritage property ​​Natural and Culturo-Historical Region of Kotor is prepared. In the period from 26 March to 8 April 2015, independent experts Katri Lisitzin, Michael Kloos and Maaike Goedkoop were visiting Kotor. The aim of this visit was to explore the procedures of development of more traffic roads in the ​​World Heritage site - Natural and Culturo-Historical Region of ​​Kotor, after UNESCO requirements to develop HIA for these plans. The report should help local authorities to develop Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA).

hvalaDear frineds, till now we have 6 engineers who applied at the invitation for Engineers-volunteers and are interested to be voluntary involved in the development process of the family house project for a family living in very difficult conditions. Now we are covering all stages - architecture, construction, electrical and sewage works. Many thanks to all who have contacted us wanting to help.

popovic52 NGOs from Montenegro, Serbia, Croatia, Macedonia and Slovenia have sent a letter to the President of the European Commission in connection with the financing of the Public Policy Institute through the program Europe for Citizens (one of the signatories of this letter is Expeditio). See the reaction here. In response to the reaction, General Director of the European Commission has asked the executive agency in charge of implementation of the program Europe for Citizens to suspend signing the contract with the Public Policy Institute.

radio kotIn the show broadcast Summer stories on the waves of Radio Kotor, on 31 July 2015 at 17:15h you can listen to Tatjana Rajic, Expeditio representative, interview on current and planned projects of our organization. In this twenty minute program, Tatjana Rajic speaks about the project Heritage-Driver of Development, new publications, project Education for Sustainable Cities, SEE Heritage Network, etc.

skupstina 072015In mid-July 2015, was held a meeting of the independent cultural scene organizations from the South East Europe countries within the Assembly of Kooperativa - Regional platform for culture. On that occasion, representative of EXPEDITIO, Tatjana Rajic, was elected for the Board member of Kooperativa, while among the organizations that participated in the meeting of independent cultural scene, our representative was Biljana Gligoric. Below you can find the news about the Adoption of a pilot model for program cooperation and exchange in the region, which was the theme of the meeting in Zagreb.

Potrebni volonteri inzenjeriFoundation Petrovic Njegos initiated the project "Solidarity in Action", which indicates that solidarity of the community can make life easier for its most vulnerable members. In this case, we want to invite you to join forces and help one Montenegrin family (mother, father and five children) currently living in harsh/inhumane conditions, without fixed income and without social assistance. For this family conclusion of the started work on the house is priority and it would provide safe home for the members of this household. We reffer to you with a request to help us in this metter.

2015 07 23

A round table on “Presentation of the Draft Toolkit  for Terms of reference preparation for the development of local planning document and the Draft Guidelines for the implementation of strategic environmental impact assessment in the drafting of local planning documents” was organized by the Union of Municipalities of Montenegro and the OSCE Mission to Montenegro in Podgorica on 23 July 2015. Representative of Expeditio, Biljana Gligoric, participated at this event as a member of the working group.

logo KOOIn Zagreb, on 15-16/7/2015, was held the fourth special, electoral Assembly of Kooperativa - Regional platform for culture. Assembly was preceded by the official meeting with the National Foundation for Civil Society Development, related to the achievement of support on the thematic fund "Democratization and Civil Society 2.0". Special meeting was also attended by a representative of EXPEDITIO, Biljana Gligoric.

IMG 2461 resizeOn 11 June 2015 EXPEDITIO received a response from the Administration for Cultural Property Protection – Regional Office Kotor regarding the approval of the project for a tourist resort at the Autocamp site in Dobrota, UP 1080.

The document provided by the Administration and the Agency for Personal Data Protection and Free Access to Information states that “the Administration did not issue an approval of the project for a tourist resort at the Autocamp site in Dobrota, UP 1080, because the project has not been submitted to the Administration for approval”.

sjednica odbora za EESession of the Committee for Energy Efficiency and Environmental Protection, which member is the representative of EXPEDITIO, was held on 29 June 2015. At the meeting were discussed topics "Specialist education in the field of energy efficiency", and "Analysis of the application of the Law on efficient use of energy and the Law on Spatial Planning and Development in particular, within the parts of EE study and training for energy auditors".

NSORExpeditio representative, Biljana Gligoric, as a member of the Working Group for review and monitoring of the National Strategy for Sustainable Development of Montenegro, attended the meeting of the Working Group, which was held on Friday, June 26th at 10 am at the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism (IV Proleterske Brigade No. 19 - room on the first floor). Meeting discussed Draft Strategy and presented further dynamics of the process of document development.

popovicOn June 29th 2015, 52 NGOs from Montenegro, Serbia, Croatia, Macedonia and Slovenia had sent a letter to the President of the European Commission regarding the financing of the Public Policy Institute through the program Europe for Citizens. Reason for this is EC decision to support the non-governmental organization whose director, Vladimir Beba Popovic, is the man who led the unworthy campaign against the courageous civil society activist Vanja Calovic and indirectly against other civil society activists who are criticaly oriented towards the Montenegrin authorities. One of the signatories of this letter was Expeditio. Below you can read the contents of the letter.

SEE heritage network meeting in CetinjeSEE Heritage network secretariat is very pleased to announce the next meeting of network members in Cetinje, Montenegro, between the 3rd and the 5th of July 2015. The meeting will focus on strategic planning of SEE Heritage network for the next 5-year-period. We hope to jointly develop a framework for SEE Heritage network in order to act more efficiently and serve the needs of its members.

Kamp plan 1
EXPEDITIO has filed a Request for information on March 18th 2015 from institution Directorate for protection of Cultural Property requested a copy of:
- Conservation conditions from the Directorate for  Protection of Cultural Property in a tourist resort at the site Auto-camp in Dobrota, UP 1080,
- Approval of the Directorate for Protection of Cultural Property for the project for a tourist resort on the location of Auto-camp in Dobrota, UP 1080.
Since reffering this request in accordance with the provisions of Article 31, paragraph 1 of ZOSPI-a, has not been passed and submitted Resolution within the prescribed deadline, on April 9th 2015, we sent to the Agency for Protection of Personal Data APPEAL for "violation of the rules of procedure."

Muzej žena Crne GoreAt the Ministry of Culture in Cetinje, on Friday May 29th 2015, will be organized conference entitled "Women and heritage - towards establishment of the Museum of Women of Montenegro". On that occasion, Expeditio representative will present project "History That No More Exists". "History That No More Exists" is an artistic project realized within the project ECLECTIS. It aroused from the study entitled "Women Map of Boka Kotorska", which was implemented by the NGO Anima from June to December 2013. The original idea was to through exploration of layers make women's history of Boka recognizable, and then, creatively, present those researches to the public through artistic intervention in public space.


kreat ind okrugli stoRound table "Creative Industries and Sustainability" was held on Friday, 08.05.2015., in the Rector's Office of the University of Montenegro. Organizers of the event were Green Culture Network and the British Council in collaboration with the partners of the Rector's Office of the University of Montenegro, Faculty of Architecture UM and Expeditio.

katun expEXPEDITIO representative, Aleksandra Kapetanovic, is a consultant on the scientific - research project: "Valorization of Montenegrin pasture settlements through the sustainable development of agriculture and tourism - KATUN", funded by the Ministry of Science within the grant project of the World Bank "Higher Education and Research for Competitiveness - INGO ".

CC-Creative Enterprise WorkshopRound table "Creative industries and sustainability" will be held on Friday, May 8th 2015 in the Rector's Office of the University of Montenegro (the Senate hall) in Podgorica. This meeting will address the issues of sustainable development of the creative industries sector, its role in the economy and new educational mission in a change in attitudes, opinions and behavior of people. Examples from the UK will serve as a role model in how creative industries can integrate green approach and actively be involved in the creation of system solutions.

Katun, foto: ExpeditioMinistry of Science of Montenegro will finance the scientific - research project "Valorization of Montenegrin pasture settlements through the sustainable development of agriculture and tourism - KATUN" under the grant project of the World Bank "Higher education and research for competitiveness - INGOs". Katun project was launched aiming at knowledge-based sustainable development of agriculture and agro-tourism in Montenegro pasture settlements, while preserving the cultural heritage of rural areas.

20120815003632AdministrativnaCGMeeting of the Working Group for the preparation of the Manual for terms of reference for local planning document development, organized by the Union of Municipalities of Montenegro and with the support of the OSCE Mission in Montenegro, was held on April 20-21st, 2015 in Budva. This meeting was attended by EXPEDITIO representative, Biljana Gligoric, who is member of this Working Group.

EXPEDITIO is a non-governmental organization whose mission is to encourage sustainable spatial development in Montenegro and SEE region through activity in the fields of sustainable architecture, cultural heritage, urban planning and through projects that encourage overall development of the civil society. Expeditio was established in 1997.

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