Sustainable development in Boka

Promoting principles of SDAt the beginning of March 2012, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund (RBF) approved a grant to Expeditio for the implementation of the project “Promoting the Principles of Sustainable Development in Public Spaces of Boka Kotorska”. The aim of the project is to implement various interventions in some of the public spaces identified through the realized process of “Mapping of public spaces”, making them, in that way, experimental fields for promoting sustainable development ideas. The duration of the project is two years.

Click here to read more about the project. The activties are listed and described below.

izabelamatosAs part of the project “Promoting the Principles of Sustainable Development in Public Spaces of Boka Kotorska”, Expeditio has invited Isabella Matoš, the artist from Herceg Novi to design a “sculpture” that will be exhibited in some of the public spaces in Herceg Novi. The idea of the activity is to encourage the citizens to think and learn about the principles of sustainable development, which include the protection of the environment, taking care of greenery, renewable energy sources use, local community involvement, etc.


U okviru završnog predstavljanja rezultata radionice Diary of a tree, predstavnica Expeditio je u Herceg Novom održala kratku prezentaciju o održivom razvoju. Prezentacija, na kojoj su prisutni imali priliku da čuju o osnovnim principima održivog razvoja kao i o načinima na koje svako od nas može da doprinese da se smanje štetni uticaji po našu planetu, je upriličena za roditelje i djecu - učesnike/ce radionice.

reciklaza_drvoOn 17 July 2012, an ecology workshop intended for children and young people was held in Herceg Novi. The workshop, organized within the project Diary of a Tree, took place from 9 a.m. until 12 a.m. In addition to various ecology activities, the participants had the chance to learn how to recycle paper. Additional information and how to apply can be found here (pdf)



The Creative Centre AVENIR from Herceg Novi is an association promoting the French language, culture, arts and education in Montenegro. In Herceg Novi, from 16th until 27th July 2012 [weekdays from 9.00 a.m. until 12.00 a.m.], AVENIR will organize LANGUAGE and ART WORKSHOPS focusing on the topic “Diary of a Tree” (Le journal intime d’un arbre)

smijeh22-24.06.2012. u Kući slobodne misli u Kavču, održan je dvodnevni kurs permakulture koji je pohađalo 17 učesnika/ca iz Crne Gore, Bosne i Hercegovine i Srbije. Tokom boravka u Kavču, oni su imali priliku da od stručnjaka iz Slovenije uče osnovne principe permakulture.

22-24.06.2012. Ae the House of free thought in Kavac, was held a two-day course in permaculture which attended 17 participants from Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia. During their stay in Kavac, they had an opportunity to learn the basic principles of permaculture from experts from Slovenia.

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EXPEDITIO is a non-governmental organization whose mission is to encourage sustainable spatial development in Montenegro and SEE region through activity in the fields of sustainable architecture, cultural heritage, urban planning and through projects that encourage overall development of the civil society. Expeditio was established in 1997.

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Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.
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