
SCE in HeritageIn cooperation with partner organizations from Europe and West Balkan, EXPEDITIO realized the project "Civil Society Engagement in community building through the understanding, development, management and preservation of the built cultural heritage of the Western Balkans - CSEinHeritage".


272542_10150250592083701_802483700_7302618_1344629_oMarija Dragišić and Martina Đeković, representatives of Expeditio, participated in the training in the Built Heritage Conservation Training Centre Bánffy Castle Bontida, in Romania, in the period of June 19-29th, 2011.  The training encompassed theoretical part, directed on the management of cultural heritage, and practical part which involved restoration works on the Bánffy Castle. Besides, the participants had an opportunity to visit the locations where the training organizer (the TransylvaniaTrust) practiced protection of built heritage. All together, 15 participants from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia and Romania, took part in the training.

craftsEXPEDITIO je u maju 2011. pripremio “Procjenu postojecih inicijativa obuke, obrazovanja, podizanja svijesti i formalih programa na polju kulturnog nasljedja u Crnoj Gori”.

Ova aktivnost realizovana je u okviru projekta “Uključivanje civilnog društva u razvoj zajednice kroz razumijevanje, razvoj, upravljanje i očuvanje graditeljskog kulturnog nasljeđa na području Zapadnog Balkana – CSEinHeritage” koji EXPEDITIO implementira u saradnji sa partnerskim organizacijama sa područja Evrope i Zapadnog Balkana.


The European Commission – DG Enlargement organized in Istanbul, on 10 February 2011, a kick-off meeting for the projects that receive support from the European Union (EU) under the three Instrument of Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) call for proposals: Support to Partnership Actions between Cultural Organisations, Support to Partnership Actions to Minorities/Vulnerable Groups Organisations i Socio-Economic Partnership Programme (SEP).

workcamp_184EXPEDITIO has started with the implementation of the project Civil Society Engagement in community building through the understanding, development, management and preservation of the built cultural heritage of the Western Balkans - CSEinHeritage”, in cooperation with the European and Westen Balkan organizations.

The project is implemented within the IPA 2009 – Civil Society Facility – Multi-beneficiary Programmes "Support to partnership Actions between Cultural Organisations launched by the European Commission – the Directorate General for Enlargement.

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EXPEDITIO is a non-governmental organization whose mission is to encourage sustainable spatial development in Montenegro and SEE region through activity in the fields of sustainable architecture, cultural heritage, urban planning and through projects that encourage overall development of the civil society. Expeditio was established in 1997.

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