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U sklopu projekta "Prostori različitosti" u Jordanu je 18. januara 2014. održana istoimena radionica organizovana od strane partnera iz Ammana Leaders of Tomorrow.

lot workshop zbirnaIdeje sakupljene tokom radionice pročitajte u nastavku:

Kiosk Idea

Building a kiosk with nice designs that sells homemade juices and sandwiches and garbage bins surrounding the place with the same designs applied on it. Can be done in an area where People Park and litter everywhere, so this can motivate people to stay healthy, go with a group of friends or families and use the garbage bins in order to stop littering.

BeanBags and Bergula

I actually really like the name I just named it this way. This idea is basically about an abandoned place where we get to revive it by creating space on sandy land by bringing down to it some chairs and bean bags and installing a Bergula on top that can protect people from the sun or the rain and use it to sit under the shade and stay away from the cold.

Hanging Paintings

This idea is all about choosing a space where people can hang their artwork or any personal objective that they want to show cast which can make people connect and become closer to each other

Libraries in abandoned lands

This idea is all about raising awareness about literacy and reading books in unordinary places. Giving people the chance to read books for free

Film projections

Film projections idea talks about utilizing walls for screenings of visual material such as images and local movie productions

Caricature Signage

Using caricature signage illustrated and placed in areas to raise awareness about littering issues, where to cross, how to recycle, when and where to stop, and no beeping signs

Public Performance Stage

Designing a permanent stage in an empty area so as performances can take place, kids can do plays some can do puppet show, or do poetry.

Stencil art on Crossing Bridges

The idea behind stencil art on crossing bridges is to motivate people to use the crossing bridges, avoid accidents and stay healthy. The stencils, to be sprayed on the pavement and on bridge walls.

Reviving Stairs

Reviving stairs in downtown area, by cleaning it, painting it, fix its lighting and giving it a distinctive characteristic either by installing benches, or Hanging the Frames about the history of the stairs.

Sidewalk Benches

Building benches that resemble the sidewalk projected on the sidewalk that enhance the walking experience on sidewalks and not on the street.




logo expeditio EXPEDITIO je nevladina organizacija čija je misija podsticanje održivog prostornog razvoja u Crnoj Gori i regionu Jugoistočne Evrope kroz djelovanje u oblasti održive arhitekture, kulturnog nasljeđa, planiranja prostora, kao i kroz aktivnosti koje doprinose ukupnom razvoju civilnog društva. EXPEDITIO je osnovan 1997. godine.

Gradimo održivo!

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