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"History that no more exists" is an artistic activity (still in progress) inspired by the fact that the history of women in the area of Boka Bay (Montenegro) is something very hard to find. As the role of women in public and political life again decreases, we would like, through the artistic action, to mention the historical significance and importance of reflection which on our lives have left our mothers, grandmothers, neighbors, friends, teachers and other good fairies. By their presence and messages, both good and bad, they have an impact on all of us, they marked our world. Therefore, let wake up their history and write it.

By involvement of citizens, on public demand and through public meetings, we will gather images and key messages that were left by most influential women in our lives. The collected material will be placed in a public space in the form of artistic setting.

Copyright processed form of posters printed on fabric with messages and portraits of women from different time periods, placed on squares of the old town or in abandoned buildings, as a correlation with abandoned history - the exhibition will suggest emotions and awaken personal memories.

It will be like a fresco, fluttering laundry which dries, or mosaic, taking into account the tradition of the space in which it found itself. Visual appearance of the exhibition will be inspired by nature of Boka Bay, beautiful encounter of mountains and sea, reflection and symmetry. With the exhibition messages , or deeds, we will enter the premises which, in this areas, have a strictly male character. Photos, messages and abandoned history related to them, will be collected from the citizens, and we will also lead  the number of institutions to alert at the history of women in their ranks, seek it, write it down and then, perhaps, even expose.

The exhibition will be accompanied by the messages that have been given by the  women from the past, in order to create a better future.

After the experience, the best things happen when the exhibition is set up, people's reactions proceed, continue , every visitor  will find him/herself part of a positive personal history related to his/her predecessor.

The exhibition will be suitable for relocation to different environments in the area of Boka Bay, such as the Old town, abandoned palaces , natural environment or locations that are related to the history of women . The exhibition will eventually be turned into useful things / objects that will be donated as appreciation or warnings to the full equality of women and men .

By restoring the past we create  the future.

In collaboration with: NGO Anima - Center for Woman and Peace Education, Kotor, Montenegro and Tanja Radez, designer from Slovenia.

EXPEDITIO is a non-governmental organization whose mission is to encourage sustainable spatial development in Montenegro and SEE region through activity in the fields of sustainable architecture, cultural heritage, urban planning and through projects that encourage overall development of the civil society. Expeditio was established in 1997.

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