Perast kampExperience of the Swedish organization for the care of heritage - Svenska för byggnadsvard föreningen, with which EXPEDITIO has been cooperating since 2001, was an impulse for our organization to try to achieve something siilar in our region. The first in a series of camps was the work action of clearing up the fortress "St. Baptism "in Perast 2002, attended by volunteers from our country and Sweden. The second volunteer work camp in 2003 was related to the preparatory work for the rehabilitation of the fortress in Perast. At this camp participated volunteers from our country and Sweden.

kulturno nasljedjePreparation and organization of the one day round table entitled: "Cultural Heritage - Potential for the Development of Boka Kotorska.Round table was accompanied with development of the promotional material - 500 posters and 1000 leaflets promoting the topic of cultural heritage of Boka Bay. Partners: Regional Institute for Protection of Cultural Monuments, Kotor Montenegro. Sponsors: USAID/ORT Montenegro Advocacy Program.

kamp sv krizExperience of the Swedish organization for the care of heritage - Svenska för byggnadsvard föreningen, with which EXPEDITIO has been cooperating since 2001, was an impulse for our organization to try to achieve something siilar in our region. The first in a series of camps was the work action of clearing up the fortress "St. Baptism "in Perast 2002, attended by volunteers from our country and Sweden. The second volunteer work camp in 2003 was related to the preparatory work for the rehabilitation of the fortress in Perast. At this camp participated volunteers from our country and Sweden. Donor: Republic of Montenegro Assembly.

nova durmitorskaPublic anonymous architectural competition.The reason for launching the architectural competition „A NEW DURMITOR HOUSE“ was the occurrence of illegal and inadequate building in the region of Mountain Durmitor which threatens to devastate permanently, both in the form and appearance, this area of exceptional value (protected by UNESCO).The project was aimed at promoting the principles of traditional and ecological/green architecture of Durmitor, as a starting point for future building activities. Donors: UNDP-United Nations Development Programme and Rockefeller Brothers Fund, USA.

perast 6 radovaThe project present BA Theses of 5 students of the Faculty of Architecture and a student of the Faculty of Applied Arts in Cetinje. All the theses have a common topic – the town of Perast. Participants: Aleksandra Kapetanovic, Tatjana Rajic, Radojka Nozica, Ljubomirka Bilenjkij, Biljana Gligoric i Radmila Beca Radulovic. Sponsors: EXPEDITIO and foundation “ZID” (financed the exhibition within the Biennial of Cetinje).

skrivene tajneThis project was a part of the CHAIN OF DISCOVERIES project organized by the foundation MM ART from Podgorica. Our activity within project "Chain of Discoveries" was presenting less known places, people and events of Perast. Printing of a leaflet was also included. Sponsor: MM ART Foundation, Podgorica.

zagoraEXPEDITIO workshop "Zagora" was held in August 2000 in this village in Grbalj. That was the second expedition on the territory of Grbalj (the first one was in 1998 in village Sutvara). The participants were 16 students of architecture and civil engineering from Banja Luka and Belgrade. Participants were placed at locals residences which gave a unique experience to our research. Sponsors: Association for the Restoration of the Podlastva Monastery, Grbalj; RESTAURART, Budva; MONTECEP, Kotor and JP MORSKO DOBRO, Budva.


sutvaraSurveying the existing state of the village of Sutvara.The project was initiated by the “Association for the Restoration of the Podlastva Monastery“ from Grbalj and included surveying the village and making photo documentation. This is the first documentation ever done for the village of Sutvara situated at the field of Grbalj. Sponsor: “Association for the Restoration of the Podlastva Monastery“,Grbalj.


perast 97This was the first project - expedition - that we have conducted. The choice of the location i.e. Perast proved to have had a decisive role in the further development of EXPEDITIO.Our organization had official support by the UNESCO for this project. Sponsors: OPEN SOCIETY FUND, Belgrade; CEP, Belgrade; Ministry of Construction of Serbia; CIP-Transportation Institute, Belgrade; Nina GRO; Meteor promet; STEM, Belgrade; PAPIR PLAST, Belgrade and Ministry of Environmental Protection and Spatial Planning of Montenegro.

obedska baraA one-day workshop with a topic “The Return of Ibis Bird” within the international project organized by the “Young Researches of Serbia”. EXPEDITIO was invited to organize a one-day workshop. Our idea was to make paper birds and place them around the swamp, symbolozing in that way the return of birds in their habitats. Sponsor: EXPEDITIO

perast 98An international architectural workshop with the topic “Revitalization of the Town of Perast”. The second expedition in Perast made a step further compared to the research conducted in 1997. Based on the collected data the participants gave proposals for the possible revitalization of Perast. Some of the issues that students considered were: the town lighting, public places, reconstruction of ruined objects, seafood production, reconstruction of the waterfront etc. Sponsor: OPEN SOCIETY FUND, Belgrade

EXPEDITIO is a non-governmental organization whose mission is to encourage sustainable spatial development in Montenegro and SEE region through activity in the fields of sustainable architecture, cultural heritage, urban planning and through projects that encourage overall development of the civil society. Expeditio was established in 1997.

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