SOSTENUTOFrom July 2009 to January 2012 Expeditio implemented the project "SOSTENUTO" in cooperation with partner organizations from the Mediterranean region, through the European Union MED program. More details about the Sostenuto project read here and below you can follow all the activities of the Sostenuto project in Montenegro.

eko planProject that will be realized in a partnership with NVO Green Home has been approved to our organization. Project is entitled "EKOPlan - Monitoring implementation of sustainable spatial development and environmental protection in the spatial planning documents in Montenegro".The project aims to encourage application of the principles of sustainable development and environmental protection in the spatial planning documents in Montenegro, through analysis and monitoring of program tasks, plans, projects and legistative as well as research of legislation application and its impact on citizens. The donor is: Foundation Open Society Institute - Representative Office Montenegro (FOSI ROM).

kotor za djecuThe project "Kotor for Children" is supported by the Commission for allocation of revenue from games of chance in 2010. The idea is to get rich cultural and historical heritage of Kotor closer to the children population in an interesting and appropriate way. Within this project, Expeditio has set up a website named KOTOR FOR CHILDREN. You can see it at:

Rod i prostorIntegration of gender equality into plans and programs at all levels is a legal obligation that is not implemented sufficiently in Montenegro. The intention of the project "Gender and Space" was to encourage the process of introducing gender perspektve in the spatial development planning in Montenegro. The project aims to increase awareness of gender equality principles in actors who are involved in the spatial planning in Montenegro.

benefit livingThis project is one of eight NGOs projects approved under the "IPA 2007 Support to Civil Society in Montenegro". Partners: CORNUCOPIA - Institute for Space and Culture, from Vransko, Slovenia and ACADEMICA - Academic Group, from Belgrade, Serbia. The overall objective of the project is to promote intercultural dialogue and creativity between EU and Montenegro in the field of contemporary architecture and planning. The main purpose of the project is the development of concepts of modern, energy-efficient and low-cost (low cost) houses, which will form a new space that would unite the characteristics of Montenegrin surroundings and the accomplishments of contemporary architecture, new technologies and knowledge taken from the EU and neighboring countries.

muzejsko blago perastaUnder the Regulation on the criteria for determining the users and the manner of distribution of revenues from games of chance, and on the basis of a public announcement of February 3rd 2009 for the allocation of revenues from games of chance, the Commission on the sessions held on April 30th and May 04th 2009 adopted a DECISION on the allocation of revenues from games of chance for co-financing programs and projects. Expeditio received granted funds for the project "Museum Treasure of Perast - Internet presentation" in the amount of € 4,300.00.


kulturne potrebe mladihIn the period September 2009 - March 2010, Expeditio conducted a research on the topic "Cultural Needs of Youth in Boka Kotorska". The project is funded by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Media of Montenegro, through the co-financing projects for young people in 2009 programme, and within the implementation of the Action plan for Youth in 2009. This study was conceived as part of a wider project called Sostenuto that EXPEDITIO implements in cooperation with partners from France, Italy, Slovenia and Spain, in the framework of the EU MED program. Topic of the Sostenuto project is looking at culture as a factor of economic and social innovation.

van institucionalni akteriCommittee for Civil Initiative has launched a project called "Non-institutional actors of cultural policy in Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia". Project partners areRemont from Belgrade, Expeditio from Kotor and the Center for Contemporary Art from Skopje. The project is co-funded by the European Cultural Foundation (ECF). In Montenegro, the project is part of a wider initiative implemented by EXPEDITIO under the MED program, called Sostenuto.

obrazovanjem do vrednovanja prostoraDonor of the project "Education to Values of Space" is the Open Society Institute, Representative Office Montenegro. The aim of the project is to educate youth / children about the values of space, its advantages and capabilities for community development. This is an important issue since the public areas in Montenegro generally neglected and often dangerous for users while training on the values of space in Montenegro is insufficient. The project was done in partnership with: elementary school "Savo Ilić" (Kotor), the Office for the Prevention of Drug Addiction (Kotor), Forum MNE (Kotor) and the Institute of Education of Montenegro (Podgorica).

slovenska pomocIn this project EXPEDITIO was the local partner to the organization Vitra - Centre for Sustainable Development in Cerknica, Slovenia, which received by the Slovenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs a grant to implement project to improve the knowledge on energy efficiency through a series of lectures and FREE distribution of energy-saving light bulbs in Montenegro.

odraz umjetnostiProject "Reflection of Arts in Public Spaces in Cetinje" was realized in the period December 2008 - September 2009 in the framework of the UNDP program "Support Project to Spatial Planning in Montenegro".The aim of the project "Reflection of Arts in Public Spaces in Cetinje" was to improve the public spaces in Cetinje with new elements of artistic quality through the implementation of specific interventions by involving stakeholders in decision-making and planning. The donor of this project is the Swedish Agency for International Development - SIDA.

see heritageThe overall objective is to strengthen the capacity of the SEE Heritage Network, through legal and organizational defining, enhancing its visibility and influence and creating foundations for sustainability, and creation of sustainable network, which would be more stable and more active in the fields of its activities in the area of South East Europe and beyond. Donor of this project is Cultural Heritage without Borders (CHwB), the project lasts 12 months.

program posjeteIn the period from October 13th till 17th 2008, in cooperation with the United States Embassy in Podgorica, EXPEDITIO is organizing a program visit of American experts in the field of cultural heritage. This visit is implemented within the Spiker program of the US Embassy. The aim of this visit is that the experts from the United States, through a series of presentations and meetings, to stakeholders in the field of cultural heritage from Montenegro communicate their experiences related to the protection and promotion of cultural heritage. This experience from America could be significant for promoting the process of development of adequate strategies to protect cultural heritage of Montenegro, taking in account particular role of heritage as an important factor of development.

energy daysThe project "Energy Days in Montenegro" was implemented within the campaign The Sustainable Energy Europe 2005-2008 / Sustainable Energy Europe 2005-2008 / launched by the European Commission EXPEDITIO applied for implementation of the campaign Energy Days in Montenegro in order to thus become part of the network The Sustainable Energy Partnership. Our application is officially accepted on 25.07.2007. European Commission does not allocate funds for local partners, but offers the possibility of greater visibility, promotion and credibility at the European level (use of logo, promotion on EU site, etc.).

kostanjicaEPEDITIO participated in a working team that have just finished "Study of the built heritage of Kostanjica". The study was conducted for the purpose of Amendment detailed urban plan of Kostanjica which its procured by Municipality of Kotor. The bearer of the study is the Faculty of Architecture in Podgorica. Task Team leader was Doc. Dr. Elias Lalosevic, BSc. Eng. Arch., conservator consultant; and associates Jelena Franovic, BSc. Eng. landscape arch. and Aleksandra Kapetanovic, B. Sc. Eng. Arch., conservator and Biljana Gligoric, BSc. Eng. Arch. both from EXPEDITIO.


program razmjeneThe aim of the Landscape Stewardship Exchange in Boka Kotorska was to foster a more active involvement of citizens in the landscape protection, management and planning (stewardship), specifically through a direct involvement in the process of identification of cultural landscape values. The LSE programme focused on the area of Boka Kotorska, including the territories of the municipalities of Kotor, Tivat and Herceg Novi, as an extremely valuable cultural landscape, which is currently facing many challenges and risks related to its protection and planning. This project is funded by Quebec-Labrador Foundation through Trust for Mutual Understanding.

Expeditio kapacitetiIn mid-December our organization has been granted a three-year project to strengthen the institutional capacity, but also for the further active contribution to implementation of the Strategy for Sustainable Development of Montenegro. The main objectives of the project are: establishment of efficient human resource management, ensuring long-term sustainability of Expeditio, development and improvement of program activities and providing visibility of the organization in general and expert public through the creation of PR material and annual report EXPEDITIO for 2008 and 2009. The donor is: Rockefeller Brothers Fund. Project duration: 3 years.

baza spomenikaThe territory of the Municipality Kotor is specific in its rich cultural heritage. The project "Database of Cultural Monuments of Municipality Kotor - an Internet Presentation" aims to launch, through internet as a modern media, an extensive presentation of the cultural heritage of Kotor. The first stage envisages the setting up of a bilingual site. This way the information about cultural assets of Kotor will be distributed to the widest audience in a simple and attractive way. Within the COMPETITION for allocation of budget funds intended for the financing of NGOs in the Municipality of Kotor for 2008, EXPEDITIO received funds for this project in the amount of 3.275,00 eur.

kulturne prakse u BOKI naslovna

Employment Agency of Montenegro co-financed Expeditio activities within the project "Sostenuto" named "Culture - The identity of Boka Bay". Expeditio has initiated the process of research "Cultural Practices in the Bay of Kotor" within the project "Sostenuto", where, in cooperation with the competent services of the Municipality of Kotor, Tivat and Herceg Novi, is developed front research and draft of the Local Culture Development Programme for 2012-16. During the project was carried out a detailed process of cultural mapping of the region, a database of cultural actors is made, as well as analysis of the independent cultural scene. For the project needs Expeditio hired persons registered with the Employment Agency, while Employment Agency of Montenegro has provided funds in the amount of 7,267.48 euros (gross) to refund salaries for participants in this public work.

Izrada softveraIzrada softvera za energetsku efikasnost u stambenom sektoru se vrši u okviru pilot projekta “Energetska efikasnost u stanovanju – procjena uticaja” koji realizuje firma GreenMax Capital Advisors iz Varšave (Poljska) u sklopu partnerstva sa Evropskim fondom za Jugoistočnu Evropu, koji funkcioniše kao dio programa Evropske Komisije. Partner u ovom projektu je i EXPEDITIO. Odobrena sredstva: 1.250,00 EUR

EXPEDITIO is a non-governmental organization whose mission is to encourage sustainable spatial development in Montenegro and SEE region through activity in the fields of sustainable architecture, cultural heritage, urban planning and through projects that encourage overall development of the civil society. Expeditio was established in 1997.

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