
SOSTENUTOFrom July 2009 to January 2012 Expeditio implemented the project "SOSTENUTO" in cooperation with partner organizations from the Mediterranean region, through the European Union MED program. More details about the Sostenuto project read here and below you can follow all the activities of the Sostenuto project in Montenegro.


EXPEDITIO realized this internet presentation within the project "Museum Treasure of Perast" and in cooperation with Don Srećko Majić,  parish priest of Perast. The photographs were taken by Stevan Kordić. The project was co-financed by the Government of Montenegro from the Fund for distributing part of the revenues from games of chance in 2009.

fokus5The fifth and the last focus group within the project "Cultural Needs of Youth in Boka Kotorska", focusing on the topic “Culture as means of earning living and finding employment”, was held on Monday, 25 January 2010, in EXPEDITIO office.

The participants in the focus group were professionals involved in cultural activities on the territory of Boka: Izabela Matoš (Creative Studio "Isart" – Herceg Novi) and Jelena Vukasović (journalist on the Radio Kotor and producer of the Kotor Children’s Theater Festival).

The focus group discussion examined the possibilities for earning from culture and obstacles for the functioning of economic dimension of culture. During the discussion, some examples of professional engagement of youth in cultural events were mentioned, as well as numerous shortcomings in this field. In addition, the participant compared experiences of economic dimension of culture between Boka Kotorska (and Montenegro in general) and the countries in the region and around the world.

More detailed information about this and the next focus groups will be given in the final report of the project, which will be prepared and made available to public in February 2010.

fokus4The fourth focus group within the project "Cultural Needs of Youth in Boka Kotorska", examining the topic “Youth and Cultural Heritage”, was held on Tuesday, 29 December 2009, in EXPEDITIO office.

This focus group gathered people active in the field of culture and cultural heritage in Boka Kotorska. The focus group tried to examine what attitude young people have towards cultural heritage, and what kind of relations and cooperation exists between young people and the cultural hertage organizations and institutions. The discussion pointed out the problems encountered by both parties, as well as ideas on how the relation between them could be enhanced. The participants in the focus group were Mirjana Vukasović (Museums of Kotor - Museum of the Town of Perast) and Ilija Radović (Boka Navy - Kotor).

More detailed information about this and the next focus groups will be given in the final report of the project, which will be prepared and made available to public in February 2010.

0-grupa_3-malaThe third focus group within the project "Cultural Needs of Youth in Boka Kotorska" was held on Friday, 18 December 2009, in EXPEDITIO office. The focus group concentrated on the theme "whether culture is available to everyone".

The focus group gathered professional in different fields from the territory of Boka Kotorska. The focus group discussed from different aspects (economy, health, infrastructure ...) the availability of culture to all young people in Boka Kotorska.

albenga_1On 17 and 18 December 2009, the second meeting of the Steering Committee of the "SOSTENUTO" project was held in Albenga, Italy. The project is being implemented with the MED programme of the European Union. The meeting of the Steering Committee was attended by representatives of all organizations involved in the project:

upitnikDear friends,

We would like to invite to take part in a research that is conducted within the project "Cultural Needs of Youth in Boka Kotorska". The project is implemented by the NGO "Expeditio" from Kotor and funded by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Media of Montenegro. This project is a part of the larger project called "SOSTENUTO" which is implemented within the MED programme of the EU.

EXPEDITIO is a non-governmental organization whose mission is to encourage sustainable spatial development in Montenegro and SEE region through activity in the fields of sustainable architecture, cultural heritage, urban planning and through projects that encourage overall development of the civil society. Expeditio was established in 1997.

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