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focus-evenement_14Summer school "Europe and Culture in Debate" (31st August, 1st and 2nd September 2011) will be held in Paris and organised by Relais Culture Europe in the frame of the project SOSTENUTO, Thinking culture as a factor of economic and social innovation.

The European Union and its Member States are defining currently the political strategic and budgetary priorities for the next ten years. These negotiations are carried out in a context of multiple crises making difficult to see clearly: How to take into account the worldwide interactions? Which could be our options? In the middle of which challenges could we place culture? More than multiplying the questions and letting think to easy answers, it appears necessary to open the public debate, to exchange ideas. For the first edition of this summer school, we have then opted to open very widely the fields of perspective, i.e. to raise the cultural question in Europe in reference to changes in the world.

Further information and registration: Relais Culture Europe –  Chloé Bourret – + 33 1 53 40 95 10 + 33 1 53 40 95 10 – Ova adresa el. pošte je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je videli..

Documents : call for proposals, program, registration form.


31st August
10am - 1pm
"Economic changes?"
Speakers: Philippe Chantepie (Head of department of studies, statistics and foresight at Ministry of culture & communication), Simona Levi (Multidisciplinary artist & activist)

3pm - 5.30pm
"The Balkans: an unknown accession?"
Speakers: Milena Dragicevic Sesic (Former President of Belgrade University of Arts, professor of Cultural Policy & Cultural Management, Cultural studies, Media studies), Agathe Fadier (European Parliament)

5.30pm - 6.30 pm
Participate in negociation process - The future EU Culture program

... The rest of the programme will be completed by the contributions proposed by the participants.

1st September
10am - 1pm
"Which model of development?"
Speakers: Hélène Combe (Sociologist and political analyst - Observatory for public decisions, Nantes), Pau Rausell (Economist, full professor of the of Applied Economics Department of the University of Valencia, director of ECONCULT)

3pm - 5.30pm
"Mediterranean area, neighbours so closed?"
Speakers: Ghislaine Glasson Deschaumes (Director of the inter-national journal of critical thought Transeuropéennes), Jumana Al Yasiri (Cultural operator)

5.30pm - 6.30 pm
Participate in negociation process - Culture and cohesion policy

... The rest of the programme will be completed by contributions proposed by the participants.

2nd September
10am - 1pm
"Which basis for a European cultural policy?"
Speakers: Jean-Michel Lucas (Lecturer, University of Rennes 2)

3pm - 6pm
"Africa, which way of co-development?"
Speakers: Oumar Sall (Cultural activist, coordinator of the network of cultural information « Groupe 30 Afrique »), Frédéric Jacquemin (Principal Expert at ACP Cultural Observatory)

5.30pm - 6.30 pm
Participate in negociation process - Culture and EU external relation

... The rest of the programme will be completed by the contributions proposed by the participants


Sostenuto "Thinking culture as a factor of economic and social innovation" is a project that is gathering following entities and organisations: AMI (France), head of project, Bunker (Slovenia), Citema (Italy), Expeditio (Montenegro), Relais Culture Europe (France), University of Valencia (Spain) and Zunino e Partner Progetti Srl (Italy).

Sostenuto is a project of micro-territorial experimentations in the area of interconnections between culture, economy, social issues and democracy within the Med space. By its approach of the exploration of innovative practices in the field of culture - incubator, cluster, non monetary exchange system, new modes of governance - it is striving for reinforcement of capacities of innovation of the cultural sector within the Med space, to accompany its mutation towards new economic and social models and to encourage the consideration of its innovation capacities with the help of decision makers, managers and financers.

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