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ljubljana-SloveniaSave the date...Sostenuto Forum 1-4 December 2010, Ljubljana

Culture as a factor of economic and social innovation in the Med space: towards new solidarities in a changing Europe

Forum organised in the framework of the Sostenuto project 1-4 December 2010, Ljubljana

What will be exchanged and shared?

Themes questioning our relationship to society: cultural rights, common goods, new indicators for wealth, new relationships to wealth, poverty and social justice, new forms of governance...

Ideas and projects dedicated to social commitment and to the social and economic transformation of the territories in the Med space and beyond

Playful and poetic artistic and cultural experiences which open and transform our look on the living together

Questions around utopia and imagination

Proposals leading to the writing of a manifesto « Culture, as generator of social innovation in the Med space and beyond »

At whom is this Forum aimed?

Cultural professionals, artists, actors of the civil society, public institutions, local authorities, elected representatives... are invited to come and debate, testify, exchange and make proposals for the recognition of the cultural and artistic sector as generating social innovation in the territories of the Med space and beyond.

Who are the organisers?

This forum is co-organised by the partners of the Sostenuto project - AMI, lead partner, Bunker, Citema, Expeditio, Relais Culture Europe, University of Valencia and Zunino e Partner Progetti. Bunker will be the host partner of the event.

To know more about the Sostenuto project...

Sostenuto is a project of micro-territorial experiments on the links between culture, economy, social topics and democracy in the Med space. Through the exploration of innovative practices in the cultural sector - incubator, cluster, LETSystem, new modes of territorial governance -  it aims at reinforcing the cultural sector's innovation capacity in the Mediterranean zone,  accompanying its mutation towards new economic and social models and valorising its innovation capacity towards decision makers, spatial planners and financers.

For more information:

Relais Culture Europe : Fabienne Trotte, Sylvine Bois-Choussy - 33 1 53 40 95 10 -  Ova adresa el. pošte je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je videli.

Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance and managed in Montenegro by the Delegation of the European Union

logo expeditio EXPEDITIO je nevladina organizacija čija je misija podsticanje održivog prostornog razvoja u Crnoj Gori i regionu Jugoistočne Evrope kroz djelovanje u oblasti održive arhitekture, kulturnog nasljeđa, planiranja prostora, kao i kroz aktivnosti koje doprinose ukupnom razvoju civilnog društva. EXPEDITIO je osnovan 1997. godine.

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