
SERTIFIKAT GBPRO 2Prvoj generaciji Stručnjaka ekološke gradnje u Crnoj Gori uručene su diplome na svečanoj ceremoniji koja je održana 14. marta 2017. godine u prostorijama EU Info Centra u Podgorici. Kurs Green Building Professional je dio projekta Green building education koji je Savjet za ekološku gradnju Crne Gore – GBC ME sproveo uz podršku Ambasade SR Njemačke u Podgorici, i partnersku saradnju opština Kotor i Herceg Novi, Turističkom Organizacijom Kotor, Porto Montenegro i Knauf.

Predstavnica naše organizacije Biljana Gligorić, jedna je od dobitinica spomenutog Sertifikata.

dusko radovicDragi prijatelji predstave KoTo(R) o KOTORU, naša predstava je uvrštena u prateći program Konferencije o participativnom teatru koji se održava od 13-14. maja 2017. u Beogradu u organizaciji udruženja BAZAART (organizacija koja ima za cilj razvoj savremenih izvođačkih umjetnosti i njihov dijalog sa društvom). Predstava će biti odigrana u u pozorištu Duško Radović u Beogradu 12. maja 2017. Smatrajući da je poziv udruženja BAZAART lijepa prilika da predstavu vidi i beogradska publika, obraćamo se svima koji su u prilici da podrže gostovanje predstave sponzorstvom za pokrivanje troškova prevoza za 20 učesnika/ca na relaciji KOTOR-BEOGRAD-KOTOR.

Poziv kotorskim NVOPozivamo nevladine organizacije sa teritorije opštine Kotor da prisustvuju sastanku koji će se održati u srijedu 15. marta 2017. u 17h u kancelariji NVO Expeditio (Škaljari bb, Zgrada Šćekića – iza štamparije). Cilj sastanka je dogovor oko zajedničke incijative da se nevladinim organizacijama obezbijedi prostor za djelovanje.

Vještine u kulturnom sektoru The British Council Cultural Skills Unit is interested in developing programmes to address skill gaps and opportunities in the cultural sector in Montenegro. In order to ensure that programmes are as useful to the sector as possible, the research Skills in the cultural sector in Montenegro is being conducted to understand more about the skills gaps, with a view to identifying which areas should be focused on. We'd love to get your opinion on skills gaps and opportunities in the cultural sector through this online survey.

okrugli sto HNOn the terrace of the former motel Dubrava in Herceg Novi, on 26 December 2016, the forum entitled “Where is the space of cooperation between decision-makers and independent cultural actors in Herceg Novi?” was held  within the “12h re:hub” event. The forum was attended by representatives of non-governmental organizations and independent artists, as well as representatives of local development and cultural institutions. Representative of Expeditio, Tatjana Rajic, took part in the forum. Below you can read conclusions from the forum published on the website

Foto: www.fa.uni-lj.siOn 2 December 2016, representative of Expeditio, Tatjana Rajić, held a presentation on the work of Expeditio at the Faculty of Architecture in Ljubljana (Fakulteta za arhitekturo), within the subject Management in Architecture taught by doc. Dr. Domen Zupančič. Presentation, followed by discussion, was attended by around 100 students and guests.

Upitnik uslovi zivota i radaDear friends,

KOOPERATIVA - Regional Platform for Culture, Expeditio – Centre for Sustainable Spatial Development and partner organizations from six countries are conducting a research project entitled “Socio-economic status and lifestyle/workstyle of the employed/engaged in the civic cultural sector in South-East European societies”. The project is implemented within the pilot-cycle of program cooperation and exchange in South-East Europe region. The research has been conducted in the whole area where KOOPERATIVA is active, with the exception of Croatia, where similar research was undertaken last year.

perast prezentacijaOn 5 October 2016, students of master and PhD studies at the University of Regensburg (Germany)-the Graduate School for the East and Southeast European Studies- in the framework of their summer schools stayed in the Bay of Kotor. On that occasion, in the Museum of the town of Perast, representative of Expeditio held a presentation about the activities of our organization.

office spaceDear friends, if you know someone who has a need for renting the Office (2 job places) in our workspace in Kotor, contact us on phone 032 302 520 or e-mail office(at) . Together we'd use meeting space, a kitchen and a bathroom.

Radionica suvozid Kuci 01The workshop “Mountain Cultural Heritage-Kučka Korita”/ “Traditional dry stone masonry technique” was held in Kučka Korita on 28 September 2016. The workshop, organized in the framework of European Heritage Days, focusing this year on the topic “Cultural Heritage and Local Communities”, is part of the project “’Valorizing the Montenegrin Katuns through sustainable development of agriculture and tourism - KATUN”.

posterWe invite you to participate in the workshop “Mountain Cultural Heritage-Kučka Korita”/ “Traditional dry stone masonry technique”, which will be held in Kučka Korita, on 28 September 2016, beginning at 11 a.m. The workshop, organized in the framework of European Heritage Days, is part of the project “’Valorizing the Montenegrin Katuns through sustainable development of agriculture and tourism - KATUN”.

Clanak Monitor servisBelow you can read the article entitled “Servis građevinskog lobija/ Service of the construction lobby” published in Monitor on 16 September 2016. The article is about current construction interventions in the protection region of Boka Kotorska, which was the reason for the recent reaction of the Society of Friends of Boka Heritage. To reads the whole article click HERE.

rec logoIn the period 2014-2016, the Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe (REC) implemented the project “Support for Low-Emission Development in South East Europe(SLED)”,which aimed to assist the policy-makers in Albania, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia to design realistic but ambitiousdecarbonisationpathwaysfor their electricity sectors by 2030.

office rent1Dear friends,if you know someone who has a need for renting the Office (2 working places) in our works pace in Kotor  from 1 September 2016, contact us at office(at)

posterThe NGO Synergies has organised the expert panel discussion on the theme "Sustainable Options of valorization of the fortress Španjola" 11/8 at 18:30 h at Fort Španjola in Herceg Novi.The discussion was attended by the representatives of EXPEDITIO Tatjana Rajic and Aleksandra Kapetanovic.

PRVO PRVENSTVO CG U GRADNJI SUVOMEDJE 1First Montenegrin Championship in Dry-stone building will be held on Orjen saddle -1600 m above sea level, on 17 July 2016. This event is joinly organized by Agency for the Development and Protection of Orjen, HC "Subra", Turist Organization of Herceg Novi and Municipality Herceg Novi. This activity is part of the manifestation "Weekend in Orjen", that will be held in period 16-17 July 2016.

radionica1In the period 01 - 03 July 2016 in Kotor (Hotel "Vardar") "EC Ma Ndryshe", NGO from Prizren (Kosovo), organized a workshop with the theme "Tourist Cooperation between Kosovo and BiH". The workshop was attended by participants from Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo; representatives of institutions, entrepreneurs and NGOs, among which representative of EXPEDITIO.

KATUN Bilten 2 9The two year project "Valorization of Montenegrin pasture settlements through the sustainable development of agriculture and tourism - KATUN", that is being implemented during April 2015 - March 2017, under the patronage of the Faculty of Biotechnology of the University of Montenegro and funded by the Ministry of Science of Montenegro through INVO HERIC grant No: 01-646; recently published KATUN - Bulletin#2, which focuses mainly on the activities and results achieved in the second half of the first research year of the project.

creative mentorship1EXPEDITIO representative, Aleksandra Kapetanovic, was chosen as one of the 25 mentors of the Third Cycle of the program "Creative Mentorship". CREATIVE MENTORSHIP is the first mentorship program in Serbia which deals with the personal and professional development of future leaders in the field of culture. The Program promotes mentorship as a way of life along learning and the exchange of knowledge and experiences between the generated professionals, mentors and future experts, mentees. The Third Cycle of the Program runs from June 2016 till May 2017.

sektor 16The drafting of the State Location Study "Sector 16" Old Town - Škaljari - Peluzica in Kotor, within the Spatial Plan for the special purpose area for "Morsko dobro" is in the progress. On that occasion, in the Municipality of Kotor, was organized the meeting to collect opinions and suggestions of different stakeholders.

Menadzment plan KOThe Government of Montenegro adopted a Decision on the appointment of Council for the Management of Natural and Culturo-historical Region of Kotor members at its session of 28 December 2015. Among the Council members is, on a proposal from non-governmental organizations dealing with the protection and conservation of Kotor, the representative of EXPEDITIO, Aleksandra Kapetanovic, B. Sc. ing. arch. conservator.

posjeta studentiOn Wednesday, 27 April 2016, NGO Expeditio had a visit from the students of University of Technology in Graz (Institute for the History of Urbanism and Architecture) who spent several days in a study visit to Montenegro. Study visit was led by Ing. Volker K. Pachauer, professor, while, from 19 students who were visiting, some are finishing their Bachelor studies while some are at the beginning of Master studies. "Special" member of this visit was Dr. Reinfrid Vergeiner, Vice President of the Austrian Society for Fortification Research.

KatunOn Tuesday, 26 April 2016, in Podgorica, in the library of the Historical Institute of the University of Montenegro was held the workshop titled "Mountain Cultural Heritage - Research, Evaluation and Promotion". The workshop was organized as part of the project “Evaluation of Montenegrin Summer Postures through the Sustainable Development of Agriculture and Tourism – KATUN”.

GBC transparent logo2Green Building Council of Montenegro (GBC ME), with financial support from the Embassy of Germany in Montenegro, is implementing the project Green Building Professional Education within which it organized a free course "Green Building Professional - GBPro". In the competition of more than 60 applicants, a representative of EXPEDITIO, Biljana Gligoric, has been chosen to participate in this interesting course. The First Module of the course was held on 21 and 22 April 2016 in the Church of St. Paul in Kotor.

IMG 4914The Second meeting of the Group of stakeholders of Cross-border Region "Neretva", organized by the Standing Working Group for Regional Rural Development in South Eastern Europe (SWG), was held in the Republic of Croatia (Zupa Dubrovacka / Konavle) on 18/4/2016. This meeting was attended by a representative of EXPEDITIO, Biljana Gligoric.

2015 Bonn Conference Proceedings 1Proceedings of the International Conference "UNESCO World Heritage Site and The Role of Civil Society", organized by the World Heritage Watch in June 26-27th 2015 in Bonn (Germany), are published. The Conference was attended by over 120 representatives of civil society organizations from all over the world, including the representative of EXPEDITIO.

koalicija saradnjomThe information below has been taken from the website of the NGO Coalition “Through Cooperation to the Aim”, On March 2016, the NGO Coalition “Through Cooperation to the Aim” submitted to the Government of Montenegro an initiative for amending the Law on Culture. The initiative demands that the request for amending the Law on Culture, i.e. its part referring to project funding through a call for proposals launched by the Ministry of Culture should be included in the Programme for the Development of Culture 2016 –2020.

zahtjevOn 15 March 2016, Expeditio submitted an appeal to the Ministry of Culture requesting that the new Programme for the Development of Culture 2016 – 2020 should include the amendment of Article 71 of the Law on Culture that would enable non-governmental organizations to participate in calls for proposals announced by the Ministry of Culture of Montenegro. The appeal was signed by 122 stakeholders, mainly NGOs, several informal associations and individuals and one political party. Copied below is a full text of the appeal with a list of its signatories.

POTPISITEDrage kolege/nice, s obzirom da je u toku dostavljanje primjedbi na NACRT Programa razvoja kulture 2016-2020. smatramo da je dobra prilika da se Ministarstvu kulture dostavi ZAHTJEV da se u Program razvoja kulture 2016–2020. uvrsti mjera hitne izmjene čl. 71 Zakona o kulturi kojim će se nevladinim organizacijama omogućiti učešće na konkursima koje raspisuje Ministarstvo kulture Crne Gore. Ukoliko želite da podržite ovu inicijativu, kliknite OVDJE da pročitate ZAHTJEV i potpišite se na kraju dokumenta u ime vaše NVO/insitucije ili kao pojedinci/ke. 

Program razvoja kulture 2016 2020The Ministry of Culture has been preparing a new Programme for the Development of Culture 2016-2020. On 3 March 2016, the draft Programme was posted on the website of the Ministry of Culture, as well as an invitation to stakeholders to send their proposals, suggestions and comments about this document. The deadline for the submission of comments is 15 March 2016.

tribina mart 16On 4 March 2016, a public hearing about the Draft of the National Strategy of Sustainable Development until 2030 was held in Kotor, at Bizanti Palace. It was organized by the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism, the representative of which, Jelena Knežević - the Division for Sustainable Development and Integrated Coastal Zone Management, took part in the event. In addition to Prof. Gordana Đurović, PhD – Faculty of Economy and Doc. Olivera Komar, PhD – Faculty of Political Science, representative of EXPEDITIO, Biljana Gligorić, participated in the event as a member of the team working on the development of the strategy.

javna raspravaOn 4 March 2016, beginning at 11 a.m., a public hearing about the Draft of the National Strategy of Sustainable Development until 2030 will be held in Kotor, at Bizanti Palace. The aim of the public hearing is to acquaint, in an organized, structured and understandable way, the professional and wider public in Montenegro with the Draft of the National Strategy of Sustainable Development (NSSD) until 2030. The public hearing is expected to encourage both experts and a wider public to get involved and give their concrete proposals, opinions and comments on the draft of the document.

EXPEDITIO is a non-governmental organization whose mission is to encourage sustainable spatial development in Montenegro and SEE region through activity in the fields of sustainable architecture, cultural heritage, urban planning and through projects that encourage overall development of the civil society. Expeditio was established in 1997.

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