kotor-zaobilaznicaNGO Expeditio engagement in matters relating to the issue of the roundabout in the Municipality of Kotor was in the form of participation of the Expeditio representative in the labor of the Expert team for expert opinion with proposed measures to address the issues of detour in the Municipality of Kotor.

The Government of Montenegro at its session of December 29th, 2011, was discussed and adopted Menagement plan of natural , cultural and historic areas of Kotor and adopted the Conclusions number 03-12955/3-11 from January 12th,2012., which stipulated the establishment of the expert team tasked with chronological and expertly analyze past activities , planning and project documents and all other documents relating to the detour and to prepare an analytical report with clear and precise professional opinion is it possible to build a ring road in the Municipality Kotor with the proposed measures on the way of its realization. The Government of Montenegro , at the session of the March 8th,2012, with Conclusion No. 06-432/2 of March15th 2012, adopted the Decision on education of expert team to provide expert opinion with proposed measures to address the issues of detour in the Municipality of Kotor . This solution can be viewed on the website of the Government http://www.gov.me/sjednice_vlade/56 .

The Expert team appointed 13 members, proposed by the Ministry of Transport and Maritime Affairs , Ministry of Culture , the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism and the Municipality of Kotor , while the manager was appointed Radojica Poleksić , BSc . ing construction, representative of the Ministry of Transport and Maritime Affairs . Member of NGO Expeditio Aleksandra Kapetanovic, BSc . bachelor of architecture , was appointed to the Expert Team by the Ministry of Culture .

The Expert team held six working meetings on which were analyzed past activities , planning and project and all other documents relating to the detour and considered expert opinions . All members of expert team have submitted single expert opinions , and then together prepared the report along with the proposal of Conclusion, which was submitted to the Government . Subsequentlz, from Expert team  members were asked to submit personal explicit declarations .

Within the professional opinions Expeditio representative stated that :

Detour problem in the Municipality of Kotor is necessary to be seen within the broader context , because it is closely linked to the overall solution of transport infrastructure of the Municipality of Kotor and Boka Kotorska in general. Bearing in mind the exceptional values of the region of Kotor , current trends and principles of sustainable transport , the existing concept of traffic in Municipality of Kotor and Boka Kotorska in general must be reviewed .

Here zou can view the complete expertise opinion and personal opinion of  Aleksandra Kapetanovic , Expeditio representative , as well as a complete Expert team Report with the conclusions.

The Government of Montenegro at the session from June 14th 2012, adopted the Information on the activities of addressing the detour with the Experts team Report, which, together with the conclusion of the Government, can be viewed on the website http://www.gov.me/sjednice_vlade/70 .

UNESCO World Heritage Committee, at the 36th session held in St. Petersburg , from June 24th till July 6th 2012, issued a decision for Natural and cultural - historical Region of Kotor - 36 COM 7B.79 . In this Decision , inter alia , in article no. 8 states :

" as soon as possible to establish an integrated spatial and development plan for the three neighboring municipalities and regional traffic strategy that includes alternatives for the bridge at Verige project, and the associated road network and detour in the Boka Bay ."

The complete decision of the World Heritage Committee can be viewed on the website of UNESCO: http://whc.unesco.org/archive/2012/whc12-36com-19e.pdf

We believe it is extremely important that the decisions taken by the World Heritage Committee indicates the process of developing an integrated spatial and development plan for three Boka municipalities and regional transport strategy , and that will be the only way , and with the necessary involvement of experts and in consultation with the Centre for World Heritage , to reach high quality solutions for traffic in this estremelz valuable area.

The process of Expert team labor was transparent and, except through direct participation in its work, Expeditio did not delivered any data to the World Heritage Committee of UNESCO.

EXPEDITIO is a non-governmental organization whose mission is to encourage sustainable spatial development in Montenegro and SEE region through activity in the fields of sustainable architecture, cultural heritage, urban planning and through projects that encourage overall development of the civil society. Expeditio was established in 1997.

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